UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Friday__April_20__2018_at_11_50_30_AM_default_2d91cd9b.mp4

    Allen Ware is originally from Atlanta Georgia. He attended Auburn University where he studied Industrial Design . He moved to Huntsville, AL in 1983 to work for a company called "Essex." He worked there from 1983-1991. There, he produced a variety of things. First, he helped produce the Hubble Space Telescope mock-up and crew trainers. Then, he produced some other shuttle mock-ups. After leaving "Essex," he started to work at Boeing in Huntsville where he worked on the International Space Station. There, Ware was an internal and external packager configurator. He did that job for 15 years. He then transitioned to support the Delta IV launch vehicle out of Decatur. There, he did secondary structure design for Delta IV components. Ware is currently an Engineering manager of a Mechanical design team. He has about 15 engineers under him that do spacecraft, aircraft, and launch-vehicle design.
  • Maindatahowandwhat_080807150019.pdf

    This presentation is concerned with how maintenance data can be collected, what can be done with it and possible a few arguments why it should be of any concern.
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