UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (137 total)

  • FootPrint_012308132338.pdf

    An article regarding Doctor Kurt Debris, director of NASA's Kennedy Space Center.
  • Spaceandtheworkingwoman_061908150158.pdf

    Memorandum prepared for the honoring Amelia Earhart by the Zonta Club, Birmingham, Alabama.
  • satuandthefutu_040907111406.pdf

    Presentation with its main focus on the competitive and humanitarian goals of the Saturn project.
  • spc_stnv_000060.pdf

    This address was given by James E. Webb, Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, at the Inventors' Congress and Space Symposium, Little Rock, Arkansas.
  • Letttothevicepres52461_121008162821.pdf

    This is an attempt to answer some of the questions about our national space program raised by The President in his memorandum to you dated April 20, 1961. I should like to emphasize that the following comments are strictly my own and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration in which I have the honor to serve.
  • Roleofvonbraulett_121108095421.pdf

    Memorandum from NASA Chief of Public Affairs to Eugine M. Emme. States that a video from Wernher von Braun are included regarding his views on the NASA program.
  • Memotodremme101167_121108095049.pdf

    This attached correspondence indicates a great deal of confusion and that a number of people are in the act. The matter before the house is whether we will (Dr. von Braun is asked) to allow Logsdon to have a copy of the Von Braun memo to the Vice President on space goals.
  • Satulaunvehifami_091707161639.pdf

    Presentation focusing on the history of Saturn V's engineering history and crew.
  • spc_lund_000510.pdf

    The entry describes a meeting during which Lundquist, Wernher von Braun, Ernst Stuhlinger, and John O'Keefe discuss the possibility of a Russian satellite launch and the U.S. Navy's Project Vanguard.
  • Letttodrvonbraufrom92868_121108094601.pdf

    Letter to Wernher von Braun from John M. Logsdon reiterating his request to use Braun's memorandum in his book as well as apologizing for any miscommunication.
  • Letttodrvonbrau82467_121108103537.pdf

    Letter to Wernher von Braun from John M. Logsdon asking that Braun approves a request to quote his memorandum in his book.
  • spc_stnv_000128.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000127.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000126.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000125.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000124.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000123.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000122.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000121.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • spc_stnv_000120.pdf

    Comment draft. Text drafted by Science and Technology Division, Library of Congress.
  • Memoforthevicepres42061_121008162551.pdf

    Memorandum from John F. Kennedy to the vice president, wanting to put him in charge of the survey recording their actions in space.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631200.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 12 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as planned atomic research in Israel, the flight of Cosmos-21 and Cosmos-22, and the launch of Japan's first missile ship; from the semitechnical literature such as new constributions to space flight; from the technical literature includng biological sciences, chemistry, space flight, and units and measurements; science and technology section translations; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631100.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 11 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as rocket firing progress in India, the election of a new president, and the exchange of measurement experts between the US and USSR; from the semitechnical literature such as Soviet aims in astronomy and space research; from the technical literature including communication, materials engineering, space flight, tracking, and vehicle engineering; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631000.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 10 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as ice from space, US tracking station plans, the presence of intelligent beings on Mars, and sun eruptions possibly causing atomic geysers on the Moon; from the semitechnical literature such as sun power; from the technical literature including astrogeology, life support, materials engineering, physics, theoretical physics, and nuclear physics; and bibliography.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630900.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 9 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as re-useable research rocket, high speed cameras, Soviet plans, and space pursuits; from the semitechnical literature such as the effects of noise and vibration on man; from the technical literature including astrophysics, atmospheric physics, chemistry, instrumentation, life support, orbital mechanics, organic chemistry, space flight, and vehicle engineering; space and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630800.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 8 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as Soviets search for international cooperation for Moon trip and the completion of Soviet Pacific Ocean shots; from the semitechnical literature; from the technical literature including communications, lasers, photography, and space flight; science and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630700.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 7 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the Soviets putting the first woman in space, the launch of Soviet Cosmos -18, and West Germany's entrance into the space age; from the semitechnical literature such as new isotopes; from the technical literature including chemistry, electronics, lasers, materials engineering, physics, propulsion, and reliability; science and technology section translations; and a report on COSPAR.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630600.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 6 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the failure of Mars I, Soviet claims that Earth as a "Saturn" ring, and the confirmation of a new atom part; from the semitechnical literature such as the Canadian satellite Alouette; from the technical literature including astronomy, biosciences, communications, geosciences, lasers, life sciences, materials engineering, theoretical physics, tracking, and vehicle engineerings; science and technology section translations; on books; and technical articles in the journal literature.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630500.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 5 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the new French tracking radar, Soviet generators' use of wind power, and the reality of the US-Soviet joint space effort; from the semitechnical literature such as experiences from the US and Soviet of manned space flights, physical conditioning during space flight, and the possibility of "Moon glow" and "Moon shine"; from the technical literature including astrogeology, lasers, materials engineering, physics, space flight, and science and technology section translations; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630400.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 4 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the booster size of the Soviet manned flight, the course correction of Soviet spacecraft Mars I, the announcement of U.S.-France space program, and Russian estimates of water on Mars; from the semitechnical literature such as Earth from orbit and the Moon as a power source; from the technical literature including astronomy, astrophysics, geophysics, life support, materials engineering, physics, and space flight; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630300.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 3 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the Soviet Mars 1 spacecraft, the announcement of a new French satellite tracking radar, and the details of space cooperation between Americans and Russians; from the semitechnical literature such as the "correction" of Newton by Soviet scientist, and Soviet preparations for a manned orbit flight; from the technical literature including astrionics, astronomy, astrophysics, geology, instrumentation, life support, materials fabrication, physics, space medicine, and theoretical physics; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630200.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 2 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as Soviet lunar plans, the determining of the temperature of Venus, and Russian use of Swedish space flight simulators; from the semitechnical literature such as potential USSR Mars probe communication troubles, and the search for life in space; from the technical literature including astrobiology, astrophysics, communications, geology, life support, meteorology, photography, physics, production engineering, space flight, and telemetry; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19630100.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 1 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the reason for sunspots and the cooperation of the U.S. and Soviet Union on three space projects; from the semitechnical literature such as the biggest telescope in Germany and the discovery of a "living fossil" in algae; from the technical literature including astronomy, astrophysics, biophysics, life support, physics, radio communication, space flight, space medicine, and support systems; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19621200.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 12 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as a Soviet communications satellite to be orbited, predictions that U.S. will be first to the Moon, critics of the Civilian Space Program, Soviet space failures, and the use of rockets to install cables; from the semitechnical literature such as Russian analysis of problems of space-weaponry defense and commentary on a Soviet paper; from the technical literature including astrionics, astrobiology, astrogeology, astronomy, astrophysics, metallurgy, optics, physics, production engineering, propulsion, radio communication, space flight, and theoretical physics; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19621100.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 11 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents pages, topics include various articles from the world press such as Russian claims of astronauts orbiting four miles apart, Soviet photos of thermal radiation, and the Soviet launch of Cosmos 10; from the semitechnical literature such as the description of the Vostok spaceship; from the technical literature including astrionics, astronomy, astrophysics, atmospherics, chemistry, flight mechanics, instrumentation, life sciences, physics, power, production engineering, and propulsion; on books; and selected bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19621000.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 10 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as space-war preparations within Soviet military, the disclosure of six Soviet space failures, U.S. and Italy's new joint space program, and USSR to attempt sun data shots; from the semitechnical literature such as the Moon as a power source, the launching of Cosmos 8, lunar atmosphere creation, and the charting of space threats; from the technical literature including astronomy, astrophysics, biosciences, chemistry, communciations, geoscience, instruments, materials, metallurgy, oceanography, photography, physics, production engineering, propulsion, radio astronomy, spacecraft, and telemetry; on books, and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19620900.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 9 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the possibly launch of a Soviet space laboratory station in 1963 and the report of the existance of water on the Moon; from the semitechnical literature such as Russian studies of ways to send a man to the moon and the intensification of Soviet radiation studies; from the technical literature including aerodynamics, astronomy, astrophysics, chemistry, geophysics, mechanics, metallurgy, microscopy, nuclear physics, physics, production engineering, and spacecraft; on books; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19620800.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 8 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as Soviet predictions of fatal solar flares, the discovery of traces of life in meteorite, infrared photos of the Moon, and space food for cosmonauts; from the semitechnical literature such as Soviet plans to drill earth with underground rocket, Luniks II and III, and research on temperature of lightning; from the technical literature including aerodynamics, astronomy and astrophysics, atomspheric physics, cryogenics, electronics, electrical engineering, guidance, interplanetary flight, instrumentation, materials, mechanics, metallurgy, meteorology, nuclear physics, oceanography, physics, process engineering, propoulsion, space medicine, and thermodynamics; on books; and selected bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19620700.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 7 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as Soviets asking permission to build Austrialian tracking stations and the discovery of rare type of nuclear decay; from the semitechnical literature such as Soviet investigation of galaxies and anti-matter; from the technical literature including astronomy and astrophysics, biosciences, chemistry, cryogenics, geophysics, hydraulics, materials metallugy, meteorology, nuclear power, photography, physics, and production engineering; on books; and selected bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19620600.pdf

    This is Vol. 3, No. 6 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as the successful first international space launchings and the release of some details from the flight of Soviet Gagarin; from the semitechnical literature such as the discovery of oxygen in the atmosphere of Venus and Russian plans for the world's largest telescope; from the technical literature including astrionics, astronomy, astrophysics, celestrial mechanics, climatology, earth sciences, ionospheric physics, instrumentation, materials, metallurgy, production engineering, and spacecraft; on books; and selected bibliographies.
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