UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631100.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 11 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as rocket firing progress in India, the election of a new president, and the exchange of measurement experts between the US and USSR; from the semitechnical literature such as Soviet aims in astronomy and space research; from the technical literature including communication, materials engineering, space flight, tracking, and vehicle engineering; and bibliographies.
  • spaceintelligencenotes_19631200.pdf

    This is Vol. 4, No. 12 of Space Intelligence Notes, a publication of the Space Systems Information Branch at the Marshall Space Flight Center. According to the table of contents page, topics include various articles from the world press such as planned atomic research in Israel, the flight of Cosmos-21 and Cosmos-22, and the launch of Japan's first missile ship; from the semitechnical literature such as new constributions to space flight; from the technical literature includng biological sciences, chemistry, space flight, and units and measurements; science and technology section translations; and bibliographies.
  • Friday__September_8__2017_at_12_16_04_PM_default_2b1019c8.mp4

    Michael Bacato was born in Brooklyn, New York in 1927. When he started high school at the age of 14, Pearl Harbor was attacked by the Japanese. When he graduated high school, he enlisted in the Navy in 1945 so he wouldn't have to go into the Army. He stayed in the Navy for two years. In the Navy, Michael was on a crew of the Destroyer. When he got discharged from the Navy, he then started college in 1948. To help pay for college, he started working with the merch marines selling out oil tanks. He finished this in 1951. Michael started out in college at New York University, and soon after he almost had to go back to the Navy because North Korea invaded South Korea. To avoid going back, he joined the ROTC at NYU with the airforce. In 1952, he entered the extended active duty with the United States airforce as a second lieutenant. He went to Keesler Airforce Base for training, and he spent two years there. There, he became a Radar Officer. After his training, Michael then started to become interested with Von Braun, and the development of rockets in Huntsville, AL. He then finally made a decision to leave the airforce, and he moved to Huntsville to work. He went into the Mechanical Engineering Design group. One of the first projects he was assigned to was the life support system, working with two monkeys. He then was offered a job in the Bioengineering group, which he liked much better, so he decided to stay with this group. His last program he worked on was on the Hubble Telescope, where he had the opportunity to work with Buzz Aldron.
  • Friday__September_15__2017_at_12_11_55_PM_default_69f7b692 (1).mp4

    After Robert McBrayer graduated college, he reported to the Johnson Space Center in March of 1963. He was there assigned to a section called "Biodynamics" and in that section, they worked on Human tolerances to impact sustaining acceleration and acoustics. Robert was assigned to the acoustics group, and his first job was to design and develop a machine to produce low-frequency pure tones to test humans. He also designed and developed a test chamber for testing humans, and he participated in doing the actual human test with the machines that he helped build. He helped document the results as well. After his venture in doing basic research, he went into an area called "crew's survival equipment design and development," and he was assigned pieces of equipment that were his to design, update, and help build. In 1966, Robert asked to be transferred from the Johnson Space Center to the Marshall Space Flight Center, and he then moved to Huntsville, AL. Robert was immediately put on the Orbital Workshop where they were writing task analysis, and procedures for crew station reviews. They did two of those, on in 1967 and the other in 1968. From the Orbital Workshop, he was responsible for all the crew interfaces on adapter, etc.
  • usessaturn_071607093947.pdf

    Saturn and Apollo hardware will not have realized their ultimate potential for space exploration after the project lunar landing is complete. To accomplish the Apollo lunar landing program, an immense backlog of technology, facilities, and booster capability will have been built up, and we believe proper utilization of this resource will fill the needs for planetary, lunar and earth orbital space exploration for years to come.
  • spaceflight_1_2.pdf

    Appears to be a rough dfraft with editorial comments and revision notes. Includes references to figures and tables.; Page 31 is missing. Pages 37 through 44 do not exist; there is a note about this on page 36. Page 67 also does not exist.
  • Propkey.pdf

    Cover has: P. D. Castenholz and H. K. Griggs, Advanced Systems, Advanced Projects Department. D. W. Hege, Manager, Advanced Projects. Paper regarding the importance of propulsion technology and the future missions that would require advancements in that field.
  • MasLisProj_050208091309.pdf

    Note attached to document to Mr. Christensen from William D. Putnam. List of projects ordered by criteria.
  • lisofhisdocandinttap_051308142123.pdf

    Archive copy is a poor photocopy.; Handwritten on the first page is "10/25/67".; Includes a letter dated Nov. 6, 1968 to Mr. Christensen from William D. Putnam.
  • DixAnsDexpSpat_062708092927.pdf

    A series of french articles related to the space program.
  • Decaofspacprog.pdf.pdf
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