UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (18 total)

  • loc_gold_000094_000102.pdf

    Correspondence, receipts, and checks from a transaction of cotton between the Weil Brothers and I. Schiffman & Company, Inc. The final three documents detail a re-weight of the 778 bales of cotton two months later, leading to a reduced price by $5,149.13.
  • loc_gold_000400_000401.pdf

    Telegram to A. L. Rison from Jones-Baugh Cotton Company confirming the sale of one thousand bales of cotton.
  • loc_gold_000065_000093.pdf

    Various receipts for the purchase of seed from I. Schiffman from multiple farms. These receipts show the weight of the purchase as weighed by N. Eddins.
  • loc_gold_000103_000113.pdf

    Itemized worksheets of reweights of cotton for I. Schiffman & Company. The final two documents are receipts for reweights for West Huntsville Land Co. and Dixie Warehouse & Storage Co.
  • loc_gold_000042_000064.pdf

    Various receipts for cotton from multiple companies and farms including Sulphur Spring, Weil farm, Tibbs farm, Morris farm, Cobb farm, and Pierce farm.
  • loc_gold_000031_000031.pdf

    This receipt totalling $31.56 has no indication of its origin.
  • loc_gold_000028_000028.pdf

    Grade marks as specified for Planters Warehouse & Storage Company in Huntsville, Alabama. Handwritten note: Anderson Clayton Grades.
  • loc_gold_000402_000422.pdf

    Personal letters to Ike Schiffman from Ben Stromberg written on Stromberg, Kraus and Co. letterhead. The letters contain various business related topics and personal health information. Among the letters are telegrams acknowledging bills received and other business information.
  • loc_gold_000266_000266.pdf

    Letter to Ike Schiffman regarding money and interest. Written on Stein Brothers Bankers letterhead.
  • loc_gold_000396_000396.pdf

    This letter includes responses to Rison's wire and the return wire. It also includes information on cotton buyers and local weather conditions. The sender did not sign the letter, but it is most likely Oscar Goldsmith.
  • loc_gold_000167_000167.pdf

    A handwritten note that says: 1922 [sic] to T. T. Terry 96.00.
  • loc_gold_000253_000257.pdf

    In these letters, R. D. McKinney tells S. Schiffman that he will have to take all McKinney's stocks as his landlord has taken all his cotton stock to pay his rent before McKinney could pay S. Schiffman. In the second letter, McKinney asks S. Schiffman to send him two dollars to finish paying off the cotton pickers. The final letter is a request for meat and coffee on credit.
  • loc_gold_000176_000204_000211_000221.pdf

    Various chattel mortgage contracts and paperwork, seed receipts, checks, payments, and debts pertaining to Frank Williams and the rented land he worked. These documents include multiple handwritten notes.
  • loc_gold_000168_000175.pdf

    Various documents detailing land rented by Frank Williams, payments owed, and rental information including the promissory note promises the payment of $600 to Nelson Acklin for land rented by Frank Williams with signatures of Nelson Acklin and [sic] Schiffman on the back, an inquiry from Laurence Goldsmith regarding the character of Frank Williams as a renter and the bank's business intentions with him, a handwritten note detailing the amounts owed by Frank Williams that were mentioned in the letter from Goldsmith, a response to Goldsmith's inquiry from J. G. Bennett, a note stating the transfer of the rent note to the landlord, I. Schiffman & Co., and the release of Albert Clay's crop, a letter from Frank Williams to Laurence Goldsmith requesting help as he cannot work the land himself due to his wife's illness, and a letter from I. Schiffman & Co. after the transfer of the rented land to the company.
  • loc_gold_000114_000119_000122_000132_000135_000140_000142_000144.pdf

    Various documents regarding the financial state of Textile Hardwood Manufacturing Company from 1931 to 1935, after which the company filed for bankruptcy. The final three documents are from 1942, after bankrupcty was filed, settling final debts and fees due to I. Schiffman & Company.
  • loc_gold_000120_000121_000133_000134_000141_000141_000145_000153.pdf

    Various documents regarding the bankruptcy of Textile Hardwood Manufacturing Company. The company first filed for bankruptcy in August of 1932. These documents are in chronological order of the bankruptcy case including a petition for bankruptcy debt discharge, the Deed of Trust, a newspaper clipping formally announcing the company bankrupt and its upcoming sale, and the letter announcing the meeting of creditors.
  • loc_gold_000029_000030.pdf

    This is the class and weight report for the Alabama Farm Bureau Cotton Association based on the 1929-1930 cotton season.
  • loc_gold_000032_000033.pdf

    Receipt of check tendered as a cash advance from Judge Cain for six bales of cotton at 15.64 cents per pound, signed by Judge Cain, and the dray receipt from Planters Warehouse & Storage Co. from Judge Cain for the six bales of cotton. The final document is a draft receipt showing the 6 bales of cotton from the annual pool for Judge Cain.
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