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  • spc_stnv_000068.pdf
  • pdf_043008093902.pdf

    The flrst flight test of the Apollo/Saturn V space vehicle is scheduled for launch from the Natlonal Aeronautics and Space Administration's John F, Kennedy Space Center, Fla., no earlier than Nov. 7. The mission is designated Apollo 4.
  • spc_stnv_000079.pdf

    This document contains a transcription of the pre-launch press conference for Apollo 4. It includes the questions asked and answers given by participants Dr. Robert C. Seamans, Dr. George E. Mueller, Major General Samuel C. Phillips, Dr. Kurt H. Debus, and Dr. Wernher von Braun.
  • spc_stnv_000073.pdf
  • Satannprorep_030408114318.pdf

    The Annual Progress Report from July 1st, 1966 through June 30thm 1967.
  • spc_stnv_000062.pdf

    This copy has handwritten notes that change the title to read, "Analog Simulation of Uprated Saturn I Stage Propulsion System Dynamic Characteristics." The abstract notes, "The purpose of this paper is to present the techniques and logic employed in the development of an analog computer model to simulate Saturn IV first stage propulsion system dynamic characteristics. Restraints, problem areas, and major assumptions are included."
  • spc_stnv_000058.pdf

    The introduction notes, "The Saturn V launch vehicle is being developed by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's George C. Marshall Space Flight Center for Project Apollo; Saturn I and Saturn IB vehicles are providing the early testing and support for Project Apollo. The nerve center of the Saturn is its guidance and control system. An airborne digital computer provides the link which closes both the guidance and control loops,making verification of the flight computer program of vital importance. During a powered flight this onboard digital computer program can be divided into four major parts:a) guidance, including navigation, b) control, c) vehicle sequencing, and d) computer telemetry."
  • Realtimeopersyst_101507115951.pdf

    Presentation aimed to encourage a final check on the Saturn V project before its first launch to ensure safety and success.
  • spc_stnv_000110.pdf

    This paper, presented at the fifth annual Reliability and Maintainability Conference in New York City, contains a "prime contractor's reliability program for components/parts for the Douglas S-IVB stage project." These parts include special flight critical items and their complementary reliability engineering program plan is outlined in this paper.
  • spc_stnv_000109.pdf

    This paper includes the equations for the bending moment of a launch vehicle with the effects of bending and sloshing dynamics. It also includes a comparison between the bending moment response envelope of the measure winds and the bending moment response of the MSFC synthetic wind profile.
  • spc_stnv_000055.pdf

    This paper presents a discussion of a hybrid simulation used to dynamically verify the Saturn Guidance and Control subsystems. First, the Saturn vehicle is briefly described to provide background information. The Instrument Unit (IU) is considered in more detail to give a proper setting for the Guidance and Flight Control (G and FC) discussion that follows. After a brief description of the actual G and FC System operation, simulation models of the G and FC components are considered in detail. This is followed by a discussion of the model assignment to a particular computer (digital or analog) and justification for making that assignment. Finally, results of the AS-204/LM1 hybrid simulation studies are briefly considered with mention of the actual flight data.
  • descst124minerstab.pdf.pdf

    This report is a description of the ST-124M inertial stabilized platform system and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle. It is a summary report providing the system concept, and not a theoretical presentation. Mathematical equations were included only where necessary to describe the equipment; however, the detailed derivations supporting these equations were not presented since this was not the theme of the paper.
  • descst124m.pdf.pdf

    This report is a description of the ST124-M inertial stabilized platform system and its application to the Saturn V launch vehicle. It is a summary report providing the system concept and not a theoretical presentation. Mathematical equations were included only where necessary to describe the equipment; however, the detail derivations supporting these equations were not presented since this was not the theme of the paper.
  • compflowcont.pdf.pdf

    Presented are the results of a study comparing four proposed control systems for the first stage flight of Saturn V launch vehicles. The primary basis of comparison is the effect on structural loads, using the bending moments at three stations as load indicators. Two of the systems sense only the vehicle attitude and attitude rate, while the other two systems also sense the lateral acceleration. A yaw plane wind response analysis, including rigid body translation, rigid body rotation, four bending modes, five slosh modes, and a non ideal control system, was performed. The winds used in the study were the Marshall synthetic profile and three selected Jimsphere-measured real wind profiles. Load relief obtained from the addition of accelerometer feedback in the control loop amounted to about 10 percent at maximum bending moment station. In view of predicted structural capabilities of the vehicle, this reduction in loads was not considered sufficient to offset the added complexity and the slight reduction in rigid body stability .
  • zerostage_082707085507.pdf

    To meet the demands of increasing payload size and weight, and to fill the large payload gap between the Saturn IB and Saturn V, a number of methods of uprating the Saturn IB have been studied by NASA and Chrysler Corp. of providing increased payload capability is discussed in this paper. Four 120 in. United Technology Center UA-1205 solid propellant motors, originally developed for the Air Force Titan III program, are clustered around the S-IB first stage of the Saturn IB launch vehicle. These four solid propellant motors provide the total thrust for liftoff of the vehicle, with S-IB stage ignition occurring just prior to burn-out and separation of the solid propellant motors. The term "Zero Stage" is applied to this added stage.
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