UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (175 total)

  • Sa-203.pdf.pdf

    The "Saturn Technical Information Handbook" provides up-to-date reference material to the Launch Operations Center personnel. This material shows the assembly and operation of the Saturn Vehicle components for systems analysis.; Volume II is available on the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS) as a PDF.
  • Satusyststud.pdf

    Study regarding the three-stage carrier vehicle E-1 engines.
  • satstasIIjul71961min_031307092529.pdf

    Transcription of a confrence aiming to propose ideas for new rocket designs. Includes references to slides.
  • SatuST12inerguid_051310124015.pdf

    a press release which focuses around the Apollo 9 flight and what role the ST-124-M inertial guidance platform has in it.
  • saturnsa-1flighanditsinstrumenta_031607091738.pdf

    Presentation focusing on empahsising the importance of space programs such as Saturn.
  • Satusivfirs_102810143053.pdf

    Press release detailing the firing of the Saturn S-IV in California.
  • spc_stnv_000056.pdf

    Paper given at the AIAA Guidance and Control Conference, August 12-14, 1963, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts.
  • satlauveh_071107124055.pdf

    This security classification guide is a compilation of previous individual classification assignments. Consideration of international affairs, the use and development of advanced technological information, and requirements of flight safety have influenced these assignments.
  • saturnlaunchvehicle_031607091024.pdf

    Speech to be presented by C. L. Bradshaw, Deputy Director, Computation Division at Supervisor's Club, Knoxville Utilities Board. Speech praising the progress of space-based technologies and advancements.
  • satillchr19571962_060407132819.pdf

    Document detailing the history of the saturn project between April, 1957 through November, 1962.
  • satuilluchroapri1957-augu1963_041307131645.pdf

    A list of images with detailed descriptions of what they are and their histories.
  • satIBVinsuni_071707142445.pdf

    This brochure provides some basic, general information about the lnstrument Unit, a very important part of the Saturn IB and Saturn V launch vehicles. These launch vehicles are being developed primarily for the Apollo program for manned lunar exploration but will also be used for future space missions.
  • systrainman_071707122502.pdf

    Prepared through joint efforts of Personnel Department, Education and Development Branch, Systems Training Unit, Michoud Operations and Engineering Communications Department, Technical Information Branch, Applied Communications Engineering Section, Huntsville Operations.; This publication presents a brief descriptive summary of the Saturn IB vehicle and Chrysler's Corporation's accomplishments in the missiles and space field. The Saturn IB information presented herein is based on current plans for each of the stages. Although there may be design changes from vehicle to vehicle, the basic components, systems, and operating principles will remain similar to previous models.
  • SatuIBnewsrefe.pdf.pdf

    Images, decriptions, graphics and explanations of the various Saturn rockets.
  • satibpreslittlerockgrp_071907090431.pdf

    Speech by H.D. Lowrey, SAE Meeting, Detroit, Michigan. Focuses on the Apollo project, the technology involved and what the goals of the project are.
  • satIfliteseval_070507143020.pdf

    As this paper is being written, the Saturn I flight test program includes five flights launched between October, 1961 and January, 1964. All five fiights were complete successes, both in achieving all major test missions and in obtaining an unprecedented volume of system performance data for flight analysis.
  • satuIengigimbandthruvectcontsyst_041007110502.pdf

    The hydraulic systems for the two-stage block II Saturn I vehicle are described with the evolution of their development.
  • satuIfirsgene_062007153848.pdf

    A basic description of the Saturn rockets alongside diagrams for context.
  • satuc1vehiprojdeveplan_031607120636.pdf

    The Saturn C-1 space vehicle system is being developed by government agencies at industrial firms under the direction of the National Aeronotics and Space Division
  • satuandtheexploofspac_042007155818.pdf

    Presentation Raymond Pisani to the East-West Bank Chamber of Commerce regarding the Saturn project's roll in space exploration and what contrabutions the East-West Bank can make in that area.
  • spc_sieb_001_016.pdf

    The pamphlet uses a cartoon character named "D. B. Noyes" to explain to the public "the nature and effects of the noise which Saturn makes during static firing tests."
  • satuanditsmiss_033007152437.pdf

    Presentation from Harper, discussing the Saturn Project's then-status, background and plans.
  • Satulunavehi_091707160212.pdf

    Aerospace Workshop, University of Hawaii.; Includes references to slides.
  • Saaprogspec_091707160850.pdf

    Memo sent to Major General D. M. Jones - NASA/ML.
  • scan0005rev_080107120438.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white diagram of the Saturn II engines.
  • scan0007rev_080107120626.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white diagram of the Saturn booster engines.
  • rockexheffects_071707095315.pdf

    Presented by Olen P. Ely, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama and R. W. Hockenberger, International Business Machines. Paper that explores the effects of rocket-engine exhaust on radio-signals.
  • pdf_013108114114.pdf

    Presented to ACHEMA Congress and European Meeting of Chemical Engineering 1967, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21, 1967 by Dr. Eberhard Rees.; Includes slide numbers.
  • LettMSFCAttnDrWernVonBraun_090408155515.pdf

    Letter to Wernher von Braun from NASA headquarters regarding Project Highwater and how it was withheld.
  • prelstudofanunmalunasoftlandvehi(scieappli)_062507093930.pdf

    Report to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Working Group on Lunar and Planetary Surfaces.
  • Prat_Whitairc_102810150126.pdf

    Photograph of a liquid hydrogen rocket engine.
  • pracautomanufcheck_051107090838.pdf

    This paper presents a number of solutions to a number of unanswered questions regarding the Saturn projects.
  • Plasinspacflig_121508153317.pdf

    Article aimed at improving the NASA's ability to complete its projects."
  • phiandpraofrelasappinthedesofthesatinssys_013008103714.pdf

    The basic engineering approach used in the Saturn instrumentation system has evolved to provide a highly reliable design for short periods of operation. The airborne measuring and telemetry systems including preflight tests, inspection, documentation, and feedback between the users and designers are discussed. The apparent differences between the practice and theory of reliability are rationalized. Some consideration is given to new problems in designing systems that must operate in hostile environments for long periods. The potential contribution of redundancy as a design concept is discussed.; This paper is concerned with the airborne measuring and telemetry systems; it does not attempt to treat the entire Saturn instrumentation system which consists of tracking devices including optical, radar, and Doppler, plus television, film cameras, and a myriad of instruments connected with factory checkout, ground test, and launch.
  • partanalprog_062507170113.pdf

    Includes carbon copy of letter sent to David L. Christensen from Ernst Lange regarding the Part Analysis program.
  • orgofacou_060508114422.pdf

    The Organization of a Countdown was developed over 8 years of missiles and space systems testing at the Douglas Aircraft Company, Sacramento test Center. The experience on which this study was based includes the Thor development and acceptance testing, Titan I second stage engine development testing, Development of liquid hydrogen handling techniques, Saturn S-IV and S-IVB development and acceptance testing. The intent of this paper is to examine the static test countdown organization and discuss the need for a systematic method to organize a countdown.
  • nuclengdescons_051407083155.pdf

    The intent of this paper is to examine the static test countdown organization and discuss the need for a systematic method to organize a countdown.
  • newsrocketdyne_062907104301.pdf

    Press release exploring the rockets and projects of the Saturn project.
  • minimax_081607145436.pdf

    Keith D. Graham is principal mathematician, Systems and Research Center, Honeywell, Inc., 2345 Walnut Street, St. Paul, Minnesota.; Work done under NASA contract NAS 8-11206 from the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center.; ABSTRACT: A method of specifying the gains of a linear controller for a large launch booster using a new application of optimal control theory is described in this paper. Results for a specific example are included. An important control requirement is to maintain cost variables (such as bending moment, engine gimbal deflection, and lateral deviation from desired trajectory) within specified limits in the presence of load disturbances. This requirement is met by using a performance index which depends explicitly on maximum achievable values of the cost variables in a finite time interval.
  • Memofortheadmin_120108115227.pdf

    Very poor photocopy. Memorandum requesting additional information regarding a file attached to this one.
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