UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (2 total)

  • daily_accounts_book2_408_DallasMills.Jpeg

    This is an image of page 414 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer accounts ledger 1, 1897-1904. One customer was noted as being from Dallas Mills Ala. and each of the following transactions are assigned the same customer account number as this Dallas Mills Ala. customer's account. This page is not in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. Each of the customers that were assigned account number 115 bought Queensware items and paid by note. Customers on this page include: Peter Lumbardo, J.F. Weeks, Youngblood, S.L. Hall, T.L. Wilson, D.W. Smith, Ella Price, Ada Reynolds, Mrs. M.V. Taylor, W.E. Foxx, and Wooly + Jordan.
  • daily_accounts_book2_632_Ada Reynolds_MVTaylor.Jpeg

    This is an image of page 644 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. This page lists several transactions of customers without customer accounts, two of which, Ada Reynolds and M.V. Taylor are recurring customers and employees of local cotton mills. Customers on this page bought various Queensware products and paid by cash and by note. Many of the customers on this page are women.
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