UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (86 total)

  • Testlaboprogfeb1966_083007095938.pdf

    Monthly rogress report for the test laboratory regarding the Saturn 1B program between Feburary and March
  • Testlaboprogrepomay121966tojune121966_110107111326.pdf

    Monthly rogress report for the test laboratory regarding the Saturn 1B program between Feburary and March
  • Manaplancomp_120108133922.pdf
  • Instunitprogrevi.pdf

    Handwritten names and phone numbers on the first page. Apollo / Saturn Team.
  • spc_kram_000001_000083R.pdf

    Reprinted from Astronautics and Aeronautics, June, July, and August 1965. The paper includes the note, "These papers present the results of one phase of research carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under Contract No. NAS 7-100, sponsored by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration."
  • LaunComp37Faci_062508141423.pdf

    Article detailing the different aspects of the Launch Complex 34 facilities.
  • relipreddesideci_062107152620.pdf

    This paper presents some case histories in which reliability prediction plays an important role.
  • Lettmrharr_120208122109.pdf

    Letter to Harrison A. Storms from George H. Lowe and Joseph F. Shea expressing concerns they have over the lack of positive actions taken by the NAA.
  • Toolandengibran_051410112851.pdf

    Report list detailing the state of manufacturing plans as either "Rough" or "Final" drafts.
  • Confmana_071907091418.pdf

    Configuration management: Definition, requirements, organization, policy and procedure documents, contractual documents.
  • letfrogeoemueassadmformanspaflitomrjlatwprenorameaviinc_020408134617.pdf

    Letter to J. L. Atwood from George M. Mueller regarding the S-II stage.
  • Nasamanaprog_011509091310.pdf

    Address by Dr. George E. Mueller, Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Joint AIAA/CASI Meeting, Montreal, Canada, July 8, 1968. AS DELIVERED.; Includes charts.
  • Mscapolprog.pdf

    The purpose of this document is to describe how the Manned Spacecraft Center is managing its responsibilities in the Apollo Program The organization, procedures, and management philosophy described herein, represent the accumulated knowledge gained from our experience with the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo Programs. It should be remembered, however, that managing a research and development program of Apollo's size and complexity, is an experimental "R&D" process in itself.
  • spc_stnv_000084.pdf

    According to the purpose found in section 1.1, "Volume I provides a guide for the preparation of specifications for existing equipment in the Apollo/Saturn Program."
  • spc_stnv_000093.pdf

    This paper identifies the support functions performed by MSFC through the Launch Information Exchange Facility (LIEF) during the Apollo Saturn Mission Operations and other facilities required to carry out these functions. It also identifies mission specific documents required for operation. Note that page 20 is missing.
  • mandevinfrep_051608125533.pdf.pdf

    The Committee on Interdivisional Dissemination of Manufacturing Development Information (CIDMDI) is comprised of NR - divisional representatives closely associated with advancement of the manufacturing arts . The purpose of the committee is to impart and receive development information of interest to NR manufacturing areas. Space Division's Central Manufacturing presents this CIDMDI Annual Report, for CFY 1968, in compliance with CIDMDI objectives. Included are research projects conducted by Central Manufacturing,as well as pertinent items submitted by the Apollo and Saturn Projects, for which, acknowledgement and appreciation are extended. Because of the large number of reports contained in this issue, only general information has been presented. Detailed data, if permissible, will be made available on request. For further information, contact L. B. Norwood, Space Division, Extension 1915.; PAP 68-0013.; Prepared by Advanced Projects Section of Central Manufacturing. L. B. Norwood, CIDMDI, Representative. F. H. Burry, Director, Manufacturing.
  • norhunorgchanorcororgcha_051608135828.pdf

    Nortronics/Northrop corporate organizational chart. Contains descriptions of the staff below the charts.
  • histsummvonbraumissteam_030607115637.pdf

    Four and a half years have passed since President Kennedy and the United States Congress established a national goal of landing a man on the moon, before the end of the decade. This brief history is designed to be a working tool for use during the second half of this great adventure. It is expected that by presenting the events of the past in perspective this document will become a handy reference to accomplishments of the first half of the program. It is hoped that this volume will be of value to those directly and indirectly concerned with North American's portion of the Apollo program. This history contains a chronology of significant events, as well as material on the management of the program, a record of some of the breakthroughs in technology, a report of the hardware produced to date, and the many tests performed to man-rate the equipment.
  • SatuS-II1964.pdf.pdf

    This document is the second annual progress report of the Saturn S-II Program. The report provides a summary and technical analysis of results of contract work by the Space and Information Systems Division of North American Aviation, Inc., for the period 1 July 1963 through 30 June 1964. This document was prepared in compliance with NASA contract NAS7-200.
  • MemosIIstag_121907141432.pdf
  • satuS-IVBquartechprogrepo_110607103908.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56445, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during August and September 1966. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-101.
  • Satquatecprorep_022108133339.pdf

    Douglas Aircraft Company Report DAC-56533, Saturn S-IVB Quarterly Technical Progress Report, covers design and development progress on the Saturn IB and Saturn V configurations of the S-IVB stage during January, February, and March 1967. This report is prepared for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration under Contract NAS7-01.; Prepared for National Aeronautics and Space Administration under NASA contract NAS7-101.; Approved by A. P. O'Neal, Director, Saturn Development Engineering.
  • wheregoingspacemgmt_062907110845.pdf

    Presented to the First Space Congress, Cocoa Beach, Florida, April 21, 1964 by Joseph H. Reed, Chief, Management Analysis Office, Executive Staff, Marshall Space Flight Center at the request of the Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, NASA
  • Memoroutandlett_013108093853.pdf

    This document also contains part of the Business Week article "North American tries to advance under fire", (June 3, 1967) pages 154 to 162. The complete article can be found at the UAH Library in microfilm format.; The document has handwritten notes and is a poor photocopy.
  • Highofgeneelec_092910151821.pdf

    Press release covering the system of functional management in NASA.
  • enggcappresentation.pdf.pdf

    This Engineering Capabilities Presentation lists the competence and capability that has been demonstrated by the Space Support Division of Sperry Rand Corporation while fulfilling contractual commitments in the aerospace industry. This is a preliminary presentation; the preparation of a complete capabilities history of the division is currently in the developmental stage. The Capabilities Experience Summary is comprised of ten categories. e.g. Category 1 - Aeronautics, etc. The capabilities reported herein were performed by the Space Support Division under Contract NAS8-20055 to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Flight Center, Astrionics Laboratory, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • Reliqualmana_080707155107.pdf

    The role of Reliability and Quality in NASA program management is well defined by the NPC 200 series and complimentary procurement regulations.
  • Lettmrgeorgemlow_120208120312.pdf

    Letter to George M. Lowe and Joseph F. Shea from H.A. Storms president continuing a conversation that was left unfinished.
  • Binder1_070908082349.pdf
  • Satannprorep_030408114318.pdf

    The Annual Progress Report from July 1st, 1966 through June 30thm 1967.
  • SatuVprojdev.pdf

    This document revises and supersedes the Saturn V Project Development Plan, dated March, 1967. Approved: Arthur Rudolph, Manager, Saturn V Program; Samuel C. Phillips, Major General, USAF, Director, Apollo Program.
  • progschemanu_042007183150.pdf

    Manual centered around teaching program schedueling.
  • OMFSbk6_073107110553.pdf
  • omsfprogstatrevimannspacfligschevoluIIIlaunvehibookengieditA_081007091345.pdf

    OMSF Program Status Review October 1965.; Edition "A"
  • omsfprogstatrevimannspacfligschevoluIIIlaunvehibooksatuIBeditA_073107115324.pdf

    OMSF Program Status Review August 1965.; Edition "A"
  • omsfvol3book1_080307091141.pdf

    OMSF Program Status Review August 1965.; Edition "A"
  • Deciprocforminicost_082007100247.pdf

    Paper from the 1965 Cryogenic Engineering Conference at Rice University, Houston, Texas, paper K-4. The abstract states, "This paper covers the cryogenic propellant and gaseous application to the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Saturn Programs. Emphasis is placed on the overall application and the resultant logistic considerations. The planning of facilities, storage, and transportation required to ensure an adequate supply of cryogenic fluids when needed is traced from the engine and stage requirements. The entire cycle of technical requirements, estimating the quantities required from production and management of the program is developed, spacecraft application and other trends that affect cryogenic production are reviewed."
  • projmgrrpt_081707162030.pdf

    Report detailing the costs of materials and contracts.
  • Respanynews_121907141751.pdf

    Letter to answer any incoming questions from the media regarding the MSFC-II stage and any briefed on Seal Beach.
  • SatuSIIstag.pdf

    This documents outlines the S & ID plan to fulfill the requirements of Contracts NAS7-80 and NAS7-200 for the design, development and manufacture of the Saturn S-II stage.; APPROVED by R E. Greer, Vice President and S-II Program Manager.; This reissue supersedes all previous issues of this report.; FOREWORD: The S-II stage is 81.5 feet in length and 33 feet in diameter, with a usable propellant capacity of 970,000 pounds, The S-II propellants are fully cryogenic-liquid oxygen at -279 F and liquid hydrogen at -423 F. Its five-engine cluster provides one million pounds of thrust. The stage is a cylindrical structure of relatively light weight with a shell designed to resist all loads without the use of stiffening members. Its skin is of welded aluminum panels, as are the elliptical bulkheads of the fuel and oxidizer tanks. Unique to its design is the common bulkhead that separates the -423 F liquid hydrogen from the -247 F liquid oxygen. The common bulkhead - a sandwich of two 33-foot diameter aluminum domes separated by an insulating filler of honeycomb - eliminates the weight penalty that would be imposed by the second bulkhead in more conventional design. This document describes the S & ID program plan for development of the S-II stage and associated a support equipment.
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