UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (204 total)

  • spc_stnv_000081.pdf

    This document contains the transcription from the Apollo 5 post-launch press conference, including all the questions asked and answers given by participants Major General Samuel C. Phillips, Rocco A. Petrone, and Colonel William Teir.
  • spc_stnv_000080.pdf

    According to the summary found on page 1, this document "presents a brief and concise description of the AS-204/LM-1 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle." The information within the document allows readers to follow the timeline of the space vehicle's lift-off and journey to space.
  • spc_stnv_000078.pdf

    This document contains the tests and test results from structural tests performed on the Apollo LEM docking drogue assembly between January 11, 1967 and February 15, 1967. The document contains various graphs, diagrams, and images pertaining to the tests.
  • spc_stnv_000077.pdf

    According to the foreword found on page i, this document includes instructions on "procedures, methods and practices...necessary for the effective management of a program documentation system."
  • spc_stnv_000076.pdf

    This document contains a transcript of the briefing meeting for the launch of Apollo 10. Participants include George H. Hage, Colonel Thomas McMullen, and William J. O'Donnell.
  • spc_stnv_000075.pdf

    This report is meant to provide NASA Senior Management with information on flight plans, mission objectives, and the basis for assessment of mission accomplishment. Note that page 61 is missing from the report.
  • challchancontrproc_071207105109.pdf

    The introduction states, "This paper is designed to present the Rocketdyne engine program as it applies to the Saturn launch vehicles and will apply to the Apollo program of manned flight to the moon (Fig. 1). The vehicle that will launch this flight is the Saturn V, the largest and most powerful of the Saturn family. This vehicle, 362 feet tall and 33 feet in diameter, will be capable of sending a 45-ton payload to the moon or placing a 120-ton payload in earth orbit. Five F-1 engines power the first stage of the Saturn V; five J-2 engines, the second stage; and one J-2 engine, the third stage. The thrust of the first-stage engines alone will be equivalent to 160 million horsepower. Both of these engines, the F-1 and the J-2, were designed at, and are currently being produced by Rocketdyne."
  • spc_stnv_000191A.pdf

    The document is Volume 1, Section 1 of a list of Saturn V launch tests including but not limited to test titles, test numbers, test objectives, and test descriptions related to AS-502.
  • builmoonrock_082007101725.pdf

    "Building the Moon Rocket" was presented at the National Machine Tool Builders Association Meeting, Doral Beach Hotel, Miami, Florida on November 3, 1965 by Dr. Mathias P.L. Siebel, the Deputy Director, Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory. There are handwritten notes throughout.
  • Boeisubcprojapol_040709153953.pdf

    The document is a list of Boeing subcontractors on Project Apollo including contractor locations, projects, and funding.
  • Boeingjan1968_060408163358.pdf

    The magazine includes the articles "'A Pleasure to Our Eyes'", "New Paint Job", "Six-year Gasp", "Wings on the Nose", "How is SRAM Doing", "Flying Carpet", "A Citizen's Debt", and "Investment in Bonds". Also included is a briefing of events in the Boeing Company.
  • Boeiandapol_093010135107.pdf

    The phamplet is address to members of the press who are at Cape Kennedy for the Apollo 11 launch. The pamphlet provides information on Boeing's contribution to the Apollo mission.
  • Binder3_051208093544.pdf

    The report includes the Systems Test Division; Components and Subsystems Division; Technical Support Division; and the Advanced Facilities Planning Office.
  • Binder1_081110135224.pdf

    The document is a Space Task Group report to the president. Pages 8, 18, 26, 27 of the document are missing.
  • Binder1_080610113218.pdf

    The document is an annotated bibliography of reports from Requested by D. L. Christiensen. 2
  • Binder1_072808085522.pdf

    The document is a press kit for the Apollo 6 news release on Thursday morning, March 28, 1968. The topics of the release include but are not limited to Apollo 4, Apollo 6, Saturn V launch vehicle, spacecraft cameras, launch events, the flight profle, mission summary, and program managment.
  • Binder1_071910091943.pdf

    The document's mission summary states "This documet is perpared jointly by the Marshall Sapce Fligh Center Laboratories S&E-ASTR-S, S&E-AERO-P, and S&E-ASTN-ESD. The document presents a brief and concise description of the AS-506 Apollo Saturn Space Vehicle and the AS-506 mission. Where necessary, for clarification, additional related information has been included. It is not intended that this document completely define the Space Vehicle, its sytems or subsystems in detail. The information presented herein by text and sketches, describe launch preparation, ground support activities, and the space vehicle. This information permits the reader to follow the sequence of events beginning a few hours before liftoff to mission completion."
  • Binder1_071708101034.pdf

    The document describes the Apollo modules, launch vehicles, Apollo chronology, Apollo briefs.
  • Binder1_071408161502.pdf

    The document describes the scheduling, technical, and managerial plans for the Saturn I orbital workshop.
  • Binder1_062508100607.pdf

    The document is a list of tools from the Manufacturing Engineering Laboratory at MSFC. Included in the list are the tool numbers, titles, and stages of development. Prior to the list the document includes a handwritten note from Bill Vardaman. Issue April 1968. Office R-ME-TDP.
  • spc_ap11_000001.mp4

    This film shows the "VIP" section of seating for the Apollo 11 launch. The film shows them going to the stands and then watching the rocket as it takes off. Included are many contemporary celebrties, such as Lyndon B. Johnson, Spiro Agnew, Johnny Carson, Hugh O'Brian, Barry Goldwater, Larry Bird Johnson, and Hermann Oberth.
  • spc_ward_000024_01.mp3

    Bob Ward calls Frances G. Moore to ask about stories relating to Wernher von Braun. Main story relates to what some of the engineers did after work. Side 1 through 24:00.
  • spc_ward_000004_01.mp3

    Interview with Dr. William Lucas on Wernher von Braun, comparing and contrasting him to Robert Goddard and setting up the University of Alabama in Huntsville, along with other stories. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_ward_000003_01.mp3

    Interview with Jim Shepherd on memories from Wernher von Braun, including him hunting and working with space camp. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_ward_000002_01.mp3

    Interview with Tom Shaver on Wernher von Braun, describing his character, personality, and funny stories from his time as von Braun's assistant. Entirety of side one, side 2 through 45 minute mark.
  • spc_ward_000001_01.mp3

    Phone Conversation with Dr. Adolf Thiel about Dr. Wernher von Braun and their time working together at Peenemünde and in the United States. Side 1 begninning to 14:18.
  • spc_stnv_000016_01.mp3

    Interview on Materials Management, Configuration Management, and Changes in Design. Full side of tape.
  • spc_stnv_000015_01.mp3

    Interview with Rocketdyne engineers on rocket engine design and stability. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_stnv_000014_01.mp3

    Interview with German engineer on engine design, propellants, thermodynamics, and design barriers and overcoming them. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_stnv_000013_01.mp3

    Interview on the Development of Saturn and the general design and management philospohy of NASA. One side of tape only.
  • spc_stnv_000012_01.mp3

    Interview on the development of Saturn engine design and control, as well as life at the Mississippi engine test site. Both sides of the tape.
  • spc_stnv_000011_01.mp3

    Interview on the fuels involved in the Saturn as well as the transport and management of these fuels. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_stnv_000010_01.mp3

    Interview on the developments on Thor applied to the Saturn Program, structures, Welding, Machining of Part, and Insulation of the rocket. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_stnv_000009_01.mp3

    Side 1 is an interview with Weidner and Neubert on the testing of Saturn and the different design philosophies of various NASA groups.
  • spc_stnv_000008_01.mp3

    Interviews with Sawyer (0 - 16:58 S1) and Kudebeh (16:58 S1 - end S2) on weight penalties, schedule/performance bonuses, and project management.
  • spc_stnv_000007_01.mp3

    Interview with Davenport (0-23:44 S1) and Shields (23:44 S1 - end S2). Topics covered include the reliability of the F1 engine, Skylab, and electronic manufacturing.
  • spc_stnv_000006_01.mp3

    Dieter Grau interviewed on failure analysis and management of Saturn program. Both sides of tape.
  • spc_dann_000312_01.mp3

    Wernher von Braun conversing with multiple people on the management of Saturn/Apollo, Skylab, and Shuttle programs. Both sides.
  • spc_lanc_000047.pdf
  • spc_lanc_000046.pdf
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