UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (8 total)

  • loc_gold_000385_000395.pdf

    The letters detail information about Dallas Manufacturing Co. stocks being sold. This set of documents also includes a check for the forty shares.
  • loc_gold_000271_000272.pdf

    Correspondence regarding Ida B. Dallas's missing dividend check on her stocks for Huntsville Land Improvement Co. Goldsmith responds, informing her that no dividends were paid October 1, 1912 due to repairs and painting of the property of the Company, therefore the expenses do not allow for a surplus for dividends.
  • loc_gold_000358_000361.pdf

    The first letter notes that they are "drawing on [Goldsmith]" for $2,250.00 for 25 shares as they could only get 25 shares according to the handwritten note at the botton. Plater also asks if Goldsmith is in the market for more stock. The second and third letter details fifty available shares of Dallas Mnfg. Co. stock at $87.50 per share and confirms Goldsmith's purchase of said shares.
  • loc_gold_000384_000384.pdf

    A letter from Oscar Goldsmith to K. Ward-Smith regarding capital stock of the Dallas Mfg. Co.
  • loc_gold_000355_000355.pdf

    This letter requests that Oscar Goldsmith, president of the Huntsville Land Company, sends copies of the company's earning statements so K. Ward-Smith can obtain a bid on shares of stock for sale.
  • loc_gold_000270_000270_000279_000279.pdf

    Letter from H. B. Smith to Oscar Goldsmith to inform him of the death of Ida B. Dallas and Smith's appointment as her sole executor. Smith discusses the next steps of dividing her stocks in the Huntsville Land Company, which is owned by Goldsmith, among her five children. Smith also asks for guidance regarding the sale of her lot at Monte Sano. Oscar Goldsmith's response to Smith's letter is the second document. In it he directs Smith to Lawrence Goldsmith who is authorized to issue the stock and recommends a couple real estate men in Huntsville that would be able to take care of the sale of Dallas's Monte Sano lot.
  • loc_gold_000397_000398.pdf

    Newson writes to Milliken about a party who wants to purchase Dallas Mfg. Co. stock though the dividends are low. The second letter details the purchase price the party is willing to pay and if Milliken knows anyone with 100 to 300 shares for sale.
  • loc_gold_000399_000399.pdf

    Hotchkin & Co. sent this telegram to Oscar Goldsmith in response to Goldsmith's bid. They states that they cannot do anything for the bid but will sell forty shares.
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