UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • daily_accounts_book3_440_no36Asst_no8Lamp.Jpeg

    This image of a C.C. Smith transaction from December 8, 1903, is cropped from page 444 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 3, 1901-1903. C.C. Smith was from Eva Alabama, as noted at the top of the transaction. In this transaction, C.C. Smith purchased 1#36 asst., 1#8 lamp asst., 1 novelty asst, 2 doz. opal chicks, 1 doz. rabbits, and 1 doz. #150 syrup cans for $55.25. The no. 36 and no. 8 lamp assortments were advertised as special deals offered only by Harrison Brothers.
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