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Abbreviated timeline of the Apollo 11 mission.
The timeline includes a memorandum from Friedjof A. Speer, manager of the Missions Operations Office, to employees of Marshall Space Flight Center. Speer notes that "astronaut Neil Armstrong is scheduled to be the first man to step onto the moon's surface." The timeline outlines the entire mission from liftoff at 8:32 AM on Wednesday, July 16, 1969 to splashdown at 11:49 AM on Thursday, July 24, 1969. -
Map of completed and proposed Apollo moon landing sites.
The map shows landing locations on the moon's surface, including proposed landing sites of the cancelled Apollo 18 and Apollo 19 missions. This map was created as part of the Lunar Roving Vehicle (LRV) Project. -
Bernhard Tessmann and William A. Schulze with a group at Fort Bliss, Texas.
Tessmann is standing on the front row on the far left. Schulze is standing directly behind him. Tessmann and Schulze were both engineers who were relocated from Germany to the United States as part of Operation Paperclip after World War II. -
Letter from Col. John C. Nickerson at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, to Gen. James A. Pickering in Atlanta, Georgia.
In this letter, Nickerson thanks Gen. Pickering for his support and explains why he believes the Army is the best service branch to develop ballistic missiles. He also discusses the need for missiles in case of war with the Soviet Union. Nickerson was a staff officer at the Army Ballistic Missile Agency at Redstone Arsenal assigned to work on the Jupiter, the United States' first mid-range ballistic missile. He was arrested and court martialed for espionage in 1957 after releasing sensitive documents about the United States missile program to the press. At the time, Secretary of Defense Charles E. Wilson granted the Air Force sole authority to develop intermediate range ballistic missile systems. Nickerson disagreed with this policy, and in response, leaked documents that demonstrated the superiority of Army missiles compared to those developed by the Air Force. He eventually pled guilty to lesser charges and was suspended from the Army for one year and was fined $1,500. Dr. Wernher von Braun was among those who testified on Nickerson's behalf. -
Frances C. Roberts at the time of her graduation from Alabama State Teachers College in Livingston, Alabama.
Roberts received a Bachelor of Science from Alabama State Teachers College in 1937. The college is known today as the University of West Alabama. -
Frances C. Roberts at commencement at the University of Alabama.
This photo was taken at the time of Roberts' doctoral graduation from the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa, Alabama. She was the first woman to receive a Ph.D. in history from the University of Alabama. On either side of her are Howard C. Elliot, Jr., Ph.D. in biochemistry, and Elmer Dean Calloway, Ph.D. in chemistry. -
Photo of Frances C. Roberts.
Photo from the Huntsville Times. The photo was taken for an article about the honorary doctor of humane letters that Roberts received from UAH on December 12, 1993.