UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (6320 total)

  • daily_accounts_book2_192_LaxsonKelly.Jpeg

    This image of three Laxson + Kelly transactions from January 3, 1899, is cropped from page 194 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In these transactions, Laxson + Kelly purchased several boxes of tobacco products from Harrison Brothers, sold the brothers $49.45 of merchandise, and paid $85.79 to their credit account. The Harrison Brothers sold primarily tobacco products until March 1900 and Laxson + Kelly, local Huntsville grocers, were some of the Brothers' most frequent customers.
  • daily_accounts_book2_483_LaxsonKelly.pdf

    This image of a Laxson + Kelly transaction from October 12, 1899, is cropped from page 336 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In this transaction, Laxson + Kelly purchased several Queensware products. The Harrison Brothers began selling Queensware, crockery, and other types of home furnishing items in March 1900. Laxson + Kelly were local Huntsville grocers. The transaction on this page corresponds to page 45 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904.
  • daily_accounts_book2_332_LaxsonKelly.pdf

    This image of a Laxson + Kelly transaction from September 21, 1900, is cropped from page 491 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In this transaction, Laxson + Kelly purchased several boxes of tobacco products. The Harrison Brothers sold primarily tobacco products until March 1900 and Laxson + Kelly, local Huntsville grocers, were some of the Brothers' most frequent customers. The transaction on this page corresponds to page 45 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904.
  • loc_hbhc_ledger1_000223 (65)_LaxsonKelly.Jpeg

    This is a Laxson + Kelly account page on page 45 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904. Transactions and payments on this account page date from January 25, 1899, to April 28, 1902. The balance book pages referenced here coorespond to Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902 and Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 3, 1901-1903.
  • loc_gold_000154_000158.pdf

    These documents detail a lawsuit brought against Tom Toney by Mitchell & Mitchell Automobile Repairing. The first IOU details Tom Toney's debt to I. Schiffman & Co. for a Dodge car for $60. Following the check is a bill for repairs on the Dodge totalling $28.25. Tom Toney's car was seized upon discovery it was being used to "convey spiritous or vinous liquor contrary to law", resulting in a lawsuit brought by the State of Alabama. The statement is Mitchell & Mitchell claiming that Toney never paid his auto repair bill for the lawsuit. The back of the final letter has a handwritten note that reads: "No. 683 State vs. Toney. Claim of Mitchell & Mitchell. Filed June 11/19 F. S. Cabaniss Reg."
  • img_01059.pdf

    Back: The second Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (designated AS-203) leaves the launch pod at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on July 5, 1966. Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • uah_uahp_000550.pdf
  • Loc_burw-418.pdf
  • loc_burw- -1062.pdf

    Landscape view of mountains and farmland with in the background.
  • Loc_burw-626.pdf

    Photograph number 406. This photograph shows the landing field in Venafro, Italy. The title for this image was found in Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr.'s list of photographs.
  • Loc_burw--1722.pdf
  • img_01107.pdf

    An Army surface-to-surface artillery guided missile. The Lacrosse system consists of three basic units the missile, which is a solid fuel rocket, a launcher mounted on a standard Army truck, and a guidance station. The Lacrosse is capable of delivering a variety of warheads, at the direction of the combat commander, with precision accuracy.
  • img_00931.pdf

    Front: La Carlos Motel, U. S. Highways 231 and 431, Meridianville, Ala.
    Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, 8 Miles North of Huntsville on U.S. Highways 231 and 431, Meridianville, Alabama. New brick. Air conditioned optional. Electrically heated. Furnished with the best. Wall to wall carpet. Ceramic tile bath, box spring. Beauty Rest Mattresses. Radio in every room. Restaurant adjoining. Owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Miller, Phone 4770R
  • img_00933.pdf

    Front: La Carlos Motel, Huntsville, Ala., 2 Miles North of By-pass, on U. S. Highways 231 & 431.
    Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, Huntsville. Alabama. Restaurant adjoining. Co-Owned & Operated by Mr. & Mrs. L.D. Miller, Phone Jefferson 6 -2524, P. O. Address: Meridianville. Alabama.
  • img_00935.pdf

    Front: La Carlos Motel, Highway 241, Meridianville, Ala.
    Back: LA CARLOS MOTEL, 8 miles North of Huntsville, on Highway 241, Meridianville, Alabama. New brick, air-conditioned optional. Electrically heated. Furnished with the best in furniture. Wall to wall carpet. Ceramic tile bath, box spring. Beauty Rest mattresses. Radio In every room. Restaurant adjoining.
    Owned and operated by Mr. and Mrs. C. M. and J. S. Brewer.
  • daily_accounts_book2_290_LJHughes.pdf

    This image of an L.J. Hughes transaction from July 10, 1899, is cropped from page 294 of Harrison Brothers Hardware Company daybook 2, 1898-1902. In this transaction, L.J. Hughes purchased a tobacco product and sold merchandise for credit toward his wife's customer account. The Harrison Brothers sold primarily tobacco products until March 1900 and Mrs. L.J. Hughes was one of only a few women to be a frequent tobacco customer and have a customer account which was also used by her husband. The transaction on this page corresponds to account page 5 in Harrison Brothers Hardware Company customer account ledger 1, 1897-1904.
  • spc_youn_000005_01.mp3
  • spc_dann_000190.mp4

    Konrad Dannenberg visits Bristol, Virginia to give a talk. Shown is the Holiday Inn sign welcoming Dr. Dannenberg: "Bristol Welcomes Dr. Konrad Dannenberg, NASA SPACE SCIENTIST." Also seen are some of the scenic vistas of Bristol and the Twin Islands Motel, where Dannenberg stayed.
  • spc_dann_000295.mp4

    Opening scene is from the flight to Germany from America. After landing in Frankfurt, Germany, Klaus and Konrad Dannenberg visit some of the scenes around Frankfurt, including a train station and a nearby castle.
  • spc_dann_000296.mp4

    Konrad and Klaus Dannenberg continue to tour Germany. They are seen visiting a castle in the countryside and parts of Frankfurt am Main. The second half of the film is blank, presumably damaged.
  • 20240313_152204 (1).jpg

    There are many different versions of the Magna Carta. This is version is the first ever version, signed by King John in Runnymede in 1215. William Marshal had significant influence in the signing of this version.

    This section contains report documents and photographs related to the Kildare building.
  • uah_uahp_000187_web.pdf

    O'Connell is seen at left and Grizzard is at right.
  • spc_dann_000186.mp4

    Kerry Dannenberg plays in a courtyard on a tricycle as well as another mobility device. He is accompanied by two other young girls. His mother, Betty Dannenberg, comes out to watch him.
  • spc_dann_000187.mp4

    Kerry Dannenberg dresses up as a cowboy with a toy revolver and runs around a community courtyard. He is later shown eating cake batter from a mixer's beater.
  • img_00905.pdf

    Front: Kay's Motel, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: KAY'S MOTEL, Modern - Room-Controlled Electric Heat and Air-Conditioning; Rooms Fully Carpeted, Beautyrest Mattresses and Tile Baths. Nice Restaurants Nearby. U. S. Highways 231-241, South in City Limits. Owned and Operated by MR. & MRS. ARNOLD KAY, Phone: 734, HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA.
  • 13.jpg

    This is the only surviving letter written by Katherine Howard. It is addressed to Thomas Culpeper, whom she was accused of having an affair with. The letter can be interpreted in many different ways, from evidence of the affair to the possibility of Katherine being blackmailed.

    This folder contains numerous correspondence and letters from Kate Roberts to Lucy Lee Cabaniss
  • uah_uahp_000243_web.pdf
  • uah_uahp_000395.pdf
  • spc_schu_0002072.pdf
  • img_01137.pdf

    Front: Jupiter C
    Back: JUPITER-C. Huntsville, Ala. This missile was developed in Huntsville, Ala. at the Redstone Arsenal, home of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency.
  • img_01151.pdf

    Front: Jupiter Ballistic Missile, Redstone Arsenal
    The largest weapon, for which the Army has development responsibility, the Jupiter has pin-point accuracy against targets at ranges up to 1,500 nautical miles. The missile is 58 feet in length, and 105 inches in diameter.
  • img_01141.pdf

    Front: Juno II, with Pioneer IV, Redstone Arsenal
    This space-probing vehicle became the first made-in-the-U.S.A. satellite of the sun. Just 40 hours after launching, Pioneer IV sped past the moon and continued on its journey to the sun. Signals were received until it reached a distance of 416,000 miles - farther than any other man-made object had been tracked.
  • spc_schu_0002071.pdf

    Juno II was developed by the Army Ballistic Missile Agency in Huntsville, Alabama.
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