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  • spc_nick_000498_000499.pdf

    This includes clarifications from the interrogation of General Medaris and other various information.
  • spc_nick_000500_000505.pdf

    This is the summary of the testimony of a witness in the Nickerson case. He is referred to as "B" throughout the document.
  • spc_nick_000509_000524.pdf

    Detailed notes that provide information on Colonel John C. Nickerson's career in the military and involvement with the missile program. The information on Nickerson follows his career up until the disclosure of classified materials that led to his court-martial and trial.
  • spc_nick_000525_000525.pdf

    These notes include a summary of the court proceedings, the order in which testimonies were heard or stipulations were read, and a seating chart at the top.
  • spc_nick_000526_000529.pdf

    Handwritten notes regarding the Nickerson case. The author is unknown.
  • spc_nick_000530_000531.pdf

    Handwritten notes regarding the Nickerson case. These include lists of various aspects related to Nickerson and other witnesses including Dr. von Braun and Dr. Stuhlinger.
  • spc_nick_000532_000535.pdf

    These notes contain detailed information about Dr. Ernest Stuhlinger including his background, experience, training, knowledge of John C. Nickerson, Jr., his thoughts on the Wilson Memo, and the Jupiter missile program.
  • spc_nick_000536_000536.pdf

    Various handwritten notes on aspects of the Nickerson trial including published news articles, the Jupiter missile and army ballistic missile agency, and statements made by Dr. von Braun.
  • spc_nick_000537_000540.pdf

    These notes related to Dr. Wernher von Braun's testimony and knowledge of the situation surrounding Colonel Nickerson. It also includes factual information on the missile program and its switch from Army control to Air Force control.
  • spc_nick_000541_000541.pdf

    This letter addressed to both Robert and his wife details personal correspondence about various daily activities of Jenkins' life.
  • spc_nick_000542_000544.pdf

    This letter includes an attached letter from Martindale-Hubbell, Inc. which "speaks for itself" regarding the subject Jenkins in writing about. He states that he is writing Bell in "strictest confidence." The letter from Martindale-Hubbell, Inc. details a confidential report on Keller Smith submitted by Jenkins on July 5, 1957. It also includes information regarding Robert K. Bell's "rating" and that it has "not gone without our attention."
  • spc_nick_000545_000545.pdf

    This letter thanks Bell for the courtesy extended to Almond and Major Fergusson's visit to his office and expresses well wishes to Bell's wife. Almond details a few aspects of his stay in Huntsville in this letter.
  • spc_nick_000546_000547.pdf

    Jenkins writes in reponse to Zimmer's letter of September 27, 1957 about Zimmer's upcoming visit to Knoxville for the Georgia Tech game. Jenkins writes that Bell has also accepted the invitation and will be there as well. This copy of the letter includes a message for Robert K. Bell as it was forwarded to him as well. Jenkins writes about a mutual friend, Kenneth Nugent, who called after the game. Jenkins tells Bell to thank Kenneth for the call and that he is sorry to have missed him.
  • spc_nick_000548_000552.pdf

    Nickerson writes in reponse to the Bells' letter of November 26. Nickerson writes from his new location in Panama after he was sent there following his court-martial. He details life there and various aspects of his positions. He expresses that he wishes the Bells would visit. In his postscript, Nickerson explains why he has not written for so long.
  • spc_nick_000553_000553.pdf

    Bell writes in response to a recent letter from Nickerson. Bell details an upcoming trip to visit the Nickersons in Panama and state that they are "looking forward to seeing you."
  • spc_nick_000554_000555.pdf

    Jenkins writes to Bell in response to a previous letter. They frequently exchange humorous stories through correspondence and Jenkins states that he will tell another when they meet in person again. Jenkins also expresses longing to get together with the entire defense counsel and their families and looks forward to doing so.
  • spc_nick_000556_000556.pdf

    Lucas writes concerning an enclosed document and thoughts regarding Colonel Medaris and the Nickerson case that had closed earlier that year. He closes by thanking Bell and his wife for their hospitality during his last stay in Huntsville.
  • spc_nick_000559_000560.pdf

    Nickerson writes to Bell about Bell's upcoming trip to Panama in May, 1958. He offers advice for travelling to Panama and various things to expect. He also asks Bell to type the enclosed letter to journalist Drew Pearson, and he called Nickerson asking for the trial record.
  • spc_nick_000561_000561.pdf

    Jenkins writes to Bell about Drew Pearson's book, U.S.A.--Second-Class Power?, of which, he mentions, has an entire chapter on Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000562_000562.pdf

    Alverson, publisher at The Paris Daily Enterprise, telegrams Bell about President Eisenhower.
  • spc_nick_000563_000564.pdf

    Alverson writes to Waugh to submit a question to the asked at the next presidential press conference along with a follow-up question. The question regards the President's opinion on the missile program and Colonel Nickerson's actions. Waugh responds that the Washington bureau will do what it can to get her questions answered.
  • spc_nick_000565_000565.pdf

    Nichols writes regarding a letter he received from Lt. Col. Barry that may be of some interest to Bell and the Nickerson case.
  • spc_nick_000566_000568.pdf

    Webster sends three copies of the same letter to Congressman Frederic Coudert, Jr., Senator Irving M. Ives, and Secretary of the Army Wilber M. Brucker, asking them to take "an immediate active interest in the pending army court martial" of Colonel John C. Nickerson. He testifies to Nickerson's character and his value to the national defense system.
  • spc_nick_000569_000570.pdf

    Webster writes saying he thinks Wilson does a good job running the nation's defense system and because of that, Webster asks Wilson to evaluate Nickerson's performance of duty and would feel "thoroughly disillusioned to see such a 1st class officer sacked."
  • spc_nick_000571_000574.pdf

    This statement insists the charges and specifications against Colonel Nickerson "greatly enlarge on any activities or indiscretion that the Colonel might possibly have committed." The counsel states the Nickerson was simply acting out of enthusiasm to serve the Army. It states that Colonel Charles Zimmer and 1st Lt. Lewis Cole have been assigned to Nickerson's defense.
  • spc_nick_000578_000586.pdf

    These letters to David Bowman, reporter and editorial writer, all pertain to Bowman's story about Colonel John Nickerson. The first letter includes foot notes and states that he sent a copy of the story to a Washington Post writer. The second letter contains additional information relating to the missile program that may be helpful for the story and a diagram of the original prototype for the Explorer I earth satellite. This set of letters also includes the original letter from David Bowman to Brig. Gen. Harold W. Nelson in which Bowman states he finally photocopied the published transcripts of Colonel Nickerson's court martial. Nelson's reponse follows thanking Bowman for sending the series on Colonel Nickerson. The final letter from Colonel Thomas W. Sweeney includes a working bibliography on the Nickerson case and invites him to visit the Military History Institute.
  • spc_nick_000587_000597.pdf

    Bowman writes to the U.S. Army Judiciary Clerk of Court Office to request a copy of the transcript of the Nickerson court martial proceedings. Mary B. Dennis, Deputy Clerk of Court responds that a large portion is classified and asks if he wants that material reviewed towards declassification though it would be a lengthy process. She also guides him towards other "publicably available documents" regarding the case. The following letters from Dennis regards the review of the classified transcripts of the Nickerson case and more details about the record of the trial. Bowman's second letter includes a check to pay for the transcripts and the review of the classified material. Dennis writes several more letters regarding more classified prosection exhibits and that Bowman's request to review the classified material has been denied. The final letter is the memo that states that the review has been denied from Deputy Director Robert J. Monahan.
  • spc_nick_000598_000602.pdf

    A project of the U.S. Army Military History Institute, this contains the interview of Dr. John L. McDaniel by Lieutenant Colonel Joseph W. Camp, Jr. from 1985. The interview is about the US Army's first satellite into space. McDaniel brings up the case of Colonel Nickerson relative to the interview. This document contains only the portion of the interview that mentions Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000603_000608.pdf

    A conversation between Lieutenant General Austin W. Betts, Colonel Henk, and Colonel Wahle, published as a part fo the US Army Military History Research Collection. This conversation details the "Army versus the Air Force difficulties in the late '50's" during the transfer of the missile and space program. This program switch was the basis of the case United States v. Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. as Nickerson was in charge of the program. This document contain only the portion relative to Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000609_000609.pdf

    This is a copy of an index that contains entries related to Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. and his court martial. The index contains entries that are found in the Army Navy Register and the Army Navy Journal.
  • spc_nick_000610_000610.pdf

    Bowman writes to Pfeifer about a "two-pager" that he wrote, detailing its contents. He also includes several other of his resume highlights including four novels, playscripts, and other things he has written. Bowman also includes that he is the president of the Tallulah Bankhead Society, a society that honors and celebrates a 1930s actress from Alabama. Bowman is appealing to Pfeifer, a creative film manager, about his recent work on the Nickerson case.
  • spc_nick_000611_000615.pdf

    This article, "Army 'Leak' Probe Agitates Redstone", published in the February 1957 issue, details secret information that went public in 1957 through Drew Pearson. The "leak" concerns the "Wilson Memorandum" that transfers the Army's role to the Air Force in the development and control of guided and ballistic missiles and rockets. The leak is traced back to Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. The article states that the "prevailing opinion is that Col. Nickerson is being made a scapegoat by persons very high up in the Army." The article further details the events that led to the court martial of Colonel Nickerson.
  • spc_nick_000616_000616.pdf

    Colonel John C. Nickerson was accused of leaking classified information after expressing anger when the missile and rocket program was transferred from the Army to the Air Force. He was tried by court martial, fined $1,500, and exiled to Panama for two years. A few years later on March 1, 1964, Nickerson and his wife, Carol, died in a car accident in New Mexico.
  • spc_nick_000617_000617.pdf

    Medaris assumed command of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency in 1955 under which Dr. Wernher von Braun and the German Rocket Team developed the Jupiter missile in 1958.
  • spc_nick_000618_000618.pdf

    Ray H. Jenkins (center) was a lawyer that, along with Robert K. Bell, Lt. Col. Charles Zimmer, and Lt. Lewis G. Cole, would make up Nickerson's defense counsel for his court martial trial. Jenkins was considered the best lawyer in East Tennessee and appeared on the cover of Time magazine on May 17, 1954 during the Army-McCarthy hearings.
  • spc_nick_000619_000619.pdf

    Dr. Wernher von Braun was a part of the German Rocket Team that developed the Jupiter missile in 1958 under General John Bruce Medaris.
  • spc_nick_000620_000620.pdf

    Robert K. Bell (left) was an attorney based in Huntsville, Alabama. He would form a part of Nickerson's (right) defense counsel in 1957 along with Ray H. Jenkins, Lt. Col. Charles Zimmer, and Lt. Lewis G. Cole.
  • spc_nick_000621_000622.pdf

    Pictured in this photo is Colonel Nickerson (left), Robert K. Bell (middle, standing), and Ray H. Jenkins (right).
  • spc_nick_000623_000623.pdf

    Colonel John C. Nickerson married Carol Nickerson (right). Together, they had four children. Two of his children are pictured here.
  • spc_nick_000624_000626.pdf
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