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Letter to the Commanding General, Third Army.
In this letter, it is requested that May 13-17, 1957 be set as the dates of the Nickerson trial. It then details the reasons for these specific dates. -
Letter to the Commanding General, Third United States Army from the Defense Counsel.
The Defense Counsel writes to the Commanding General, Third United States Army requesting "top secret clearance for all members of the General Court Martial, the Court Reporter, and the Civilian Counsel n the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr." -
Witness list as submitted to the Comannding General, Third United States Army.
In this letter, the Defense Counsel provides a list of witnesses for the defense in the case of John Nickerson. -
Letter to William G. Barry from the Defense Counsel.
This letter requests a pre-trial conference be held on the 26th or 27th of April, 1957. -
Witness list as submitted to the Comannding General, Third United States Army.
In this letter, the Defense Counsel provides a list of witnesses for the defense in the case of John Nickerson. -
Letter to the Commanding General, Third United States Army from the Defense Counsel.
This letter from the Defense Counsel requests a continuance of the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson due to the counsel still waiting on a response to their request for top secret clearance for access to pertinent information for the trial and the delay of the release of the pre-trial investigation to the civilian defense counsel. A letter from John Nickerson follows, detailing how without top secret clearance, he is unable to provide his civilian counsel with "essential components of the real issues in my defense without divulging information that is now classified." Multiple copies are included. -
Letter to the Commanding General, Third United States Army, from the defense counsel.
The Defense Counsel writes to the Commanding General, Third United States Army, requesting a continuance of trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr., citing the failure of the government to approve their request for top secret clearance as the reason. The defense counsel details how the clearance is vital to Nickerson's defense. -
Letter to the Commanding General, Third United States Army, from the Defense Counsel.
This letter is the first request of a continuance of the trial of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr. by the defense counsel due to waiting on top secret clearance for information pertinent to the case and other various reasons. -
Letter to General Matthew B. Ridgway from Lt. Colonel Charles R. Zimmer.
These documents include the draft of the letter and the final letter. Zimmer writes to Ridgway regarding his testimony and its importance in the Nickerson trial. Zimmer also asks for Ridgway's opinion on the "necessity of an Army commander exercising immediate and direct control" over defense weapons. -
Memorandum for Robert K. Bell from Charles R. Zimmer.
This memo was written about a conversation earlier that day. Zimmer tells Bell that after discussing with Lieutenant Cole, they agree that Colonel Nickerson should not be tried on any other charges than the first ten specification to Charge I. -
Letter to William G. Barry from Charles R. Zimmer.
Zimmer writes to Lt. Colonel Willaim G. Barry with the stipulations that will not be accepted in the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson. -
Acknowledgment of receipt of documents from John C. Nickerson, Jr. to Charles R. Zimmer.
This letter acknowledges the receipt of a letter, an envelope for delivery, two courtesty copies, and a carbon copy of various letters. -
Defense counsel's request for access to classified information.
This letter outlines the defense counsel's request for access to flassified information in reference to a previous letter received from the Office of the Commanding General, Third United States Army. -
List of additional witnesses for the defense of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
This submitted list of additional witness was in addition to the list submitted on April 25, 1957. -
"Request for Downgrading of Classified Document."
On behalf of the defense counsel, Charles R. Zimmer writes to the Army Staff Judge Advocate, Colonel Clifford F. Cordes, to request that the report of the Inspector General of the Department of the Army be downgraded from classified to unclassified. Zimmer states that he feels without this document being accessible to the defense counsel, the "defense in this case is being hampered."