UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • SpacAgeManaMainTechCapaDurPeriRetr_062708142049.pdf

    On January 3Ist of this year the United States celebrated its tenth anniversary in Space. In just one decade we have seen our space program climb from an humble beginning (a 30.8-pound payload put into orbit with a jury-rigged rocket) to extra-vehicular-activity and the tremendous Saturn V vehicle capable, of putting 250,000 pounds into low earth orbit. We have seen it grow from a "quick and dirty" operation to a program which at its peak had approximately 380,000 industrial employees in excess of {dollar}5.O billion per year. The marshalling of this great management and technological team generated many "growing pains". A few years ago the hue and cry was, "Where are we going to get sufficient people with scientific knowledge and drive to implement the space program?" Industry, sometimes reluctantly, was pressed into tasks which required managerial and technical skills beyond those they then possessed.
  • spc_stnv_000048.pdf
  • spc_stnv_000029.pdf

    This document is a compilation of abstracts of NASA Technical Memorandums and MSFC Internal Notes, written by personnel of the Materials Division and released during 1965.
  • futuprojoffi_041807113503.pdf.pdf

    The purpose of this brochure is to give interested readers, outside as well as within the agencies of the U.S. Government, information on the mission and activities of the Future Projects Office, George C. Marshall Space.
  • firannlogmansymsep13and141966.pdf

    The proceedings of the First Annual Logistics Management Symposium are forwarded with the hope that the information will be of assistance to attendees and their staffs in the planning and management of logistics support programs. I recognize that there is still much study required before all management techniques and procedures for support programs are known and understood, but I believe that support problems are made easier by exchange of knowledge. The Symposium was based on this belief and we plan to continue the search for ways to achieve better program support at a lower cost. Edmund F. O'Connor, Director, Industrial Operations.
  • conditions.jpg.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph. A photograph of a list of things contributing to stress corrosion. Referenced by "Materials in Space Exploration." Is part of envelope containing photos accompanying C. E. Cataldo paper "Materials in Space Exploration."
  • commbulkdraw.jpg.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph; This is a cutaway drawing of the bulkhead with information about the LH2 tank skin, insulation, Aft LOX bulkhead, 2014-T6 alum skin and fiberglass core. Part of an envelope with photos accompanying C. E. Cataldo paper "Materials in Space Exploration."
  • elesyssrt.pdf
  • spc_stnv_000035.pdf
  • spc_stnv_000061.pdf

    Guide to John F. Kennedy Space Center, including an introduction from Center director Kurt Debus.
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