UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (4 total)

  • spc_spac_000293_000294.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, and specifications for the "Type B Impenetrable" gate. The back of the flier has two illustrations, one of children being prevented from sneaking into the park, and one focusing on the ease of the gate's use.
  • spc_spac_000289_000292.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, and specifications for the turnstile.
  • spc_spac_000287_000288.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, specifications, and installation diagrams for the "All Metal, One Way, Non-Registering Turnstile."
  • spc_spac_000285_000286.pdf

    This advertisement provides images, features, models, and specifications for the "Modern, Coin Controlled Turnstile."