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"The toughest weld of all" S-II stage manufacturing.
Article explores the outer layer of the Saturn S-II along side its benefits and complications. Contains poorly rendered images displaying the process. -
"Test operations:" Organization Chart.
Organization Chart of the North American Rockwell Test Operations. -
"Space Division, North American Rockwell Corporation Organizational Chart."
Organization chart for North American Rockwell, 1968 -
"Apollo countdown begins on Monday."
News article detailing the interest around the liftoff of the Apollo 8 spacecraft. -
"Saturn S-II facilities organization."
Organizational chart for the Saturn II facilities. -
"Saturn S- II quality & reliability assurance : quality and reliability assurance" Organizational Chart.
Organizational Chart of the Rockwell Corperation, 1968 -
Program Planning and Control : Saturn S-II program Organizational Chart."
Saturn S-II Program organizational chart of 1968. -
"Manufacturing Development Information Report."
The Committee on Interdivisional Dissemination of Manufacturing Development Information (CIDMDI) is comprised of NR - divisional representatives closely associated with advancement of the manufacturing arts . The purpose of the committee is to impart and receive development information of interest to NR manufacturing areas. Space Division's Central Manufacturing presents this CIDMDI Annual Report, for CFY 1968, in compliance with CIDMDI objectives. Included are research projects conducted by Central Manufacturing,as well as pertinent items submitted by the Apollo and Saturn Projects, for which, acknowledgement and appreciation are extended. Because of the large number of reports contained in this issue, only general information has been presented. Detailed data, if permissible, will be made available on request. For further information, contact L. B. Norwood, Space Division, Extension 1915.; PAP 68-0013.; Prepared by Advanced Projects Section of Central Manufacturing. L. B. Norwood, CIDMDI, Representative. F. H. Burry, Director, Manufacturing. -
Directory Chart : NASA/MSFC Manager's Office.
Organizational chart of NASA/MSFC manager's office. -
"Documentation List for Saturn Stages S-11."
The information presented in this document represents a listing of all formal documentation prepared under contract NAS7-200. The listing has been arranged under major categories as specific in SID 61-366A, reissued 10 August 1964. Within each categorization , the reports and specifications have been listed in numerical sequence.