UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • rockexheffects_071707095315.pdf

    Presented by Olen P. Ely, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama and R. W. Hockenberger, International Business Machines. Paper that explores the effects of rocket-engine exhaust on radio-signals.
  • FlevalofthecomandcommusysabAS501_080408170122.pdf

    The first test of the command and communications system, a unified frequency S-band system, aboard AS-501 was successful. Compatibility of this system with the MSFN/USB sites was established. The onboard transponder and antenna system including antenna switching performed as predicted. The command performance was excellent with 5747 valid commands received onboard out of 5748 commands transmitted. Data reduction problems prevented a complete analysis of the tracking data. Telemetry system performance was satisfactory with a measured bit-error-rate of 4 x10-5 while over the Ascension Island station. This flight provided valuable data which can be used to define vehicle to-ground-station interfaces, to establish attitude constraints during translunar injection, and to improve operational procedures. One more test as successful as the AS-501 test would qualify the system as operational.; May 3,1968.