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Correspondence between Robert K. Bell and Edward M. Almond.
These letters include information pertaining to the Nickerson case. Almond expresses desire to "get something in motion to subdue the unnecessary and trivial expressions of � General Medaris". The letters also mention various correspondence that was included in the exchange of information. Both men advocate for the "cause" of Colonel Nickerson's actions. Bell was Nickerson's attorney during his trial. -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Edward M. Almond.
Almond writes in reponse to Bell's February 18 letter regarding Medaris and other information of the Nickerson case. -
Correspondence between George Huddleston, Jr., Lieutenant General Edward M. Almond, and Carl Vinson.
Almond writes to Huddleston in an attempt to get Nickerson brought back from exile in Panama. Huddleston agrees with Almond in his response and says he will do his best to advocate for Nickerson's testimony on the missile program and will bring the matter to the attention of the Chairman, Honorable Carl Vinson. Huddleston's following letter of January 25, 1958 states that Carl Vinson does not believe having Nickerson as a witness is advisable. Huddlestone attaches a copy of Vinson's letter that explains this. Almond writes in response to the decision with his thoughts on the matter and believes that "all service officers will step gingerly in their testimony" so as not to "stick their necks out as General Gavin and Colonel Nickerson have already done." -
Letter to Harry M. Ayers from Edward M. Almond.
Almond writes to Ayers stating that he believes Nickerson is still a "valuable man to the U.S. services" and thanks Ayers for his interest in the matter. -
Letter to Robert K. Bell from Edward M. Almond.
This letter thanks Bell for the courtesy extended to Almond and Major Fergusson's visit to his office and expresses well wishes to Bell's wife. Almond details a few aspects of his stay in Huntsville in this letter.