UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • Drvonbraucale_121008161948.pdf

    The first page contains a typed routing slip. A list of Wernher von Braun's meetings with President Kennedy, the Vice President and members of their immediate staff.
  • hisskeofmsfc_091407104637.pdf

    A rocket from the George C. Marshall Space Flight Center will carry the first American to the moon, and the deadline is 1970. Because of the Center's expanding role in space, there are increasing requests for information about our activities. This brief historical sketch should help to answer questions about our past, our present, and our hopes for the future. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) is the largest installation of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). The Marshall Center is NASA's agency responsible for large space rockets and related research. MSFC employs about 7500 civil service employees with an annual payroll of more than {dollar}82 million. In addition approximately 4300 contractor employees work for MSFC on the Arsenal, earning an estimated {dollar}43 million. The Center occupies about 1800 acres near Huntsville, Alabama; in this large area are 270 buildings with floor space totalling about 4,000,000 square feet for a real estate and property value of about {dollar}325 million. MSFC's 1966 fiscal year budget was {dollar}1.8 billion. Obviously MSFC has much human and monetary worth behind United States round trips to the moon and beyond. In addition to its size, MSFC is unique because it has a large rocket development team with more than three decades of experience. Prior to the rocket work that dates back to Peenemuende [sic] the world heard little and cared less concerning rockets and space. As a group Marshall has always thought big. It has worked together as a group, and equally well with fellow scientists throughout the Free World, to get the most into space soonest. This is why there is increasing interest in larger and larger rockets and rocket programs from our Center, a fact generating more and more questions about our Center, and in turn generating a "workload" request for this sketch by the Historical Office. We hope that you enjoy our historical sketch, which could as well be entitled "Closer and Closer Views of the Moon and Beyond." David S. Akens, MSFC Historian.
  • Interofdrarth.pdf

    Transcription of an interview between Davis S. Akens and Arthur Rudolph