UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • img_00969.pdf

    Back: CHARRON MOTEL, 1 1/2 Miles North of City on Memorial Parkway (U. S. 72 - 231 - 431 By Pass) Telephone 534-2481, Huntsville, Alabama. 43 Rooms - Tile Baths - Carpeted - T.V. - Air-Conditioned - Room Phones, Radios - Swimming & Wading Pools. Morrison Restaurant on Premises. Janette & Herschel Watson, Owners
  • img_00971.pdf

    Back: CHARRON MOTEL, 1 1/2 Miles North of City on Memorial Parkway (U. S. 72 - 231 - 431 By Pass) Telephone 534-2481, Huntsville, Alabama. 43 Rooms - Tile Baths - Carpeted - T.V. - Air-Conditioned - Room Phones, Radios - Swimming & Wading Pools. Restaurant on Premises. Janette & Herschel Watson, Owners
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