UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • img_00987.pdf

    Back: MOTEL MAKADA, Memorial Parkway on U. S. Highway 72, 231 & 431 North, Huntsville, Alabama, Phone 536-0701
    New, Modern, Air-Conditioned, Electric Heat, Television, Tile Baths, Wall-to-Wall Carpet - Restaurant across street - Reasonable Rates.
  • img_00991.pdf

    Back: Capri Motel, Memorial Parkway on U.S. Highway 72, 231,431 North, Huntsville, Alabama, Phone Jefferson 6-7441.
    New Modern, Air Conditioned, Electric Heat, Tile Baths, Tub & Shower, Telephones, Installed Music - Wall to Wall Carpet - Restaurant Nearby - Reasonable Rates. Mr. and Mrs. P. L. Verburg - Owners and Managers.
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