UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • img_01055.pdf

    Front: Saturn I
    Back: The eighth Saturn I launch vehicle launched from the NASA-Kennedy Space Center, Fla., (vehicle designated SA-9) is shown leaving the launch pad on Feb. 16,1965. The Saturn was developed at Marshall Space Center, HuntsviIle, Alabama.
  • img_01059.pdf

    Back: The second Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (designated AS-203) leaves the launch pod at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on July 5, 1966. Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • img_01063.pdf

    Back: The Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (SA-202) is surrounded by the service structure on the launch pad at the NASA - Kennedy Space Center, Fla. The Marshall Center, Huntsville, Ala., developed the Saturn launch vehicle.
  • img_01065.pdf

    Back: The fifth Saturn I launch vehicle (SA-5) leaves the launch pad at Cape Kennedy, Fla., on Jan. 29, 1964. Nose cone painted black for special thermal experiment.
  • img_01067.pdf

    Back: The second Uprated Saturn I launch vehicle (designated AS-203) stands on the launch pad at Cape Kennedy. Blunt nosecone replaced the Apollo spacecraft for this special flight. This was a liquid hydrogen test to determine how liquid hydrogen reacted in space. Television comeras were in the top of the second stage's liquid hydrogen tank. The Saturn was developed at MSFC, Huntsville, AIabama.
  • img_01073.pdf

    Back: Kennedy Space Center, FL. Space Shuttle Challenger, Mission 41-B, on pad prior to launch.
  • img_01119.pdf

    Back: Artist's conception of Saturn V/Apollo being transported on crawler the size of a baseball infield, to the launch area at Mila, John F. Kennedy Space Center. The NASA Marshall Space Flight Center at Huntsville, Alabama, has been developing and providing rockets for our space achievements since the very beginning of our entry into this field.
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