UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • img_00445.pdf

    Front: Harrison Brothers Hardware Store, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: Harrison Brothers Hardware Store, 124 South Side Square - Huntsville, Alabama
    Located on the Courthouse Square since 1897, Harrison Brothers Hardware Store carries a varied line of Hardware, Crockery, Ironware, Chairs, Gifts, and hard-to-find items. The store is operated by the Historic Huntsville Foundation.
  • img_00443.pdf

    Front: Harrison Brothers Hardware Store, Huntsville, Alabama
    Back: Harrison Brothers Hardware Store, 124 South Side Square - Huntsville, Alabama
    Located on the Courthouse Square since 1897, Harrison Brothers Hardware Store carries a varied line of Hardware, Crockery, Ironware, Chairs, Gifts, and hard-to-find items. The store is operated by the Historic Huntsville Foundation.
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