UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (7985 total)

  • spc_dann_000120.mp4

    Klaus, Konrad, and Ingeborg Dannenberg attend Easter Services and return to 5901 Jumilla Ave. in Los Angeles, California for Easter celebrations, Spring 1956.
  • spc_dann_000119.mp4

    Christmas cards on display at Dannenberg residence 5901 Jumilla Ave, winter 1955. Setup of Easter baskets and candies. Spring 1956.
  • spc_dann_000143.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg and others attend party at McCrary house in Birmingham, Alabama. Spring 1957.
  • spc_dann_000238.mp4

    Kerry, Betty, and Klaus Dannenberg hunt for Easter eggs at their apartment on 1000 Airport Road SW, Huntsville, Alabama. Kerry is shown running around the common lawn looking for eggs. Spring, 1969.
  • spc_dann_000246.mp4

    The Dannenbergs and Doanes meet up to celebrate Easter. Shown are the kids (George and Johnny) sleeping in the car. The video then switches to show the family (Betty, Kerry, and Johnny) exchanging gifts. Spring 1970.
  • spc_dann_000247.mp4

    Film showing the inside of the Dannenbergs' house on 5130 Panorama Drive, Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. The clips show Ingeborg and Klaus Dannenberg plus Johnny walking around outside the house as well as relaxing in the family room. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "Inside (5130 Panorama) shots (very dark) / Johnny looking for Easter Eggs - also G. jr / Film is NOT TOO GOOD." Spring 1970.
  • spc_dann_000264.mp4

    Konrad, Ingeborg, and Ingeborg Dannenberg travel to visit Betty, Klaus, and Kerry Dannenberg for Easter. The majority of the film focuses on Kerry hunting for Easter eggs in the front lawn of their Dallas, Texas home while Klaus and Betty look on. Spring, 1972
  • spc_dann_000265.mp4

    Film shows an Easter egg hunt at Klaus and Betty Dannenberg's house in Dallas, Texas. Klaus and Betty are shown hiding the eggs and Kerry Dannenberg and a friend of his are shown hunting the eggs. Spring 1972.
  • spc_dann_000117.mp4

    Klaus, Konrad, and Ingeborg Dannenberg hunt for Easter eggs in Los Angeles, California in spring of 1956 at 5901 Jumilla Ave.
  • spc_dann_000285.mp4

    The Doanes (Ulla, George, Johnny) join the Dannenbergs (Konrad, Ingeborg, Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Christie) at Konrad and Ingeborg's house in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Once they arrive, the kids of the group are shown hunting for Easter eggs in the front yard while the adults help and talk on the doorstep. Spring 1977.
  • spc_dann_000286.mp4

    The Doanes (Ulla, George, Johnny) join the Dannenbergs (Konrad, Ingeborg, Klaus, Betty, Kerry, and Christie) at Konrad ant Ingeborg's house in Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. After briefly showing the Easter decorations inside the house, the film shows Kerry, Christie, and Johnny looking for Easter eggs in the front yard. Spring 1977.
  • spc_dann_000188.mp4

    The Dannenberg and Doane families take part in an Easter egg hunt. Shown are Kerry Dannenberg and Johnny Doane hunting for eggs in the front yard of Konrad Dannenberg's house. Circa 1965-1969.
  • loc_burw_film_004.mp4

    Scenes of grandparents playing, feeding, and interacting with infants. The infants briefly played together.
    Grandparents [00:01, 01:00, 01:35, 15:20]
    Feeding [05:57, 07:47]
    Children playing [11:00, 13:43, 14:33, 14:46]
    Stroller/high chair [02:50, 06:42, 08:26]
  • loc_burw_film_013.mp4

    Several home movies of a young boy playing with a microphone followed by family footage of a trip to Disney World.
    Play [00:03, 00:45]
    Disney World trip [01:40]
    Aerial gondolas [04:46, 06:13]
    Boats and boating [05:01, 05:30, 07:47, 09:46, 12:15]
    Monorail [05:17]
    Puppet show [07:59]
  • loc_burw_film_001.mp4

    "Film of parents and grandparents caring for and playing with an infant Eddie Burwell. Footage includes the family dog, relatives, and interior and exterior shots of the house.
    Dog [00:15, 04:43, 05:20, 07:12]
    Relatives [03:10, 05:12, 11:06, 11:47, 12:01]
    Exterior of house [05:20]
  • loc_burw_film_005.mp4

    Home movie clips detailing a visit from relatives, a toddler’s attempt at household chores and playing grown-up, and additional footage from the family vacation to Grizzly Gorge.
    Baby attempting grown-up things [00:06, 05:49, 13:25, 14:05, 14:30]
    Grandparents [00:38, 00:50, 00:57, 11:01, 11:35, 11:43, 11:52]
    Dog [05:20, 05:34, 14:21, 14:38]
    Baby playing on floor [07:19, 10:01, 10:55]
    Vacation/family events [14:46, 18:35]
  • loc_burw_-209_222.pdf

    A typed list of Major Edwin D. Burwell's film descriptions.
  • loc_robf_000179.pdf

    The program dedicates three new Huntsville schools, each named for a member of the Apollo crew that died in the pad fire of February 21, 1967. This program was included in one of two scrapbooks that Christel and George McCanless made for UAH history professor Frances Roberts in 1969.
  • EffHighpreSTEELS_042808114139.pdf

    Hydrogen embrittlement of steels is hardly a new subject, but the effects of high-pressure hydrogen have been treated in detail only more recently and to a much more limited extent. Thus, most investigations of hydrogen embrittlement have been concerned with hydrogen in metals, while for the high-pressure hydrogen problem, we are more concerned with metals in(in contact with) hydrogen. I believe there is a difference and, certainly,different mechanisms of embrittlement are at least possible.; Presented at the Central Florid Section, American Welding Society, Orlando, Florida, 14 November 1967 and North Alabama Chapter, American Society for Metals, Huntsville, Alabama, 16 November 1967.
  • spc_spac_000376_000377.pdf

    This flier has an image of the two models of "Electric Skooter" as well as descriptions for them.
  • Elecsuppequip.pdf.pdf

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph. A photograph of a workspace.
  • spc_dann_000212.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, Ingeborg, and Betty Dannenberg and little George all return to Alma's farmhouse from their walk. The adults are then shown talking to one another and George is shown playing in the yard. Konrad Dannenberg's notes on the film box read, "End of the 'Walk thru Alma's Farm' - 'Home Coming' / Alma's Art shop / Ulla is mad - all are made except for little George. / At Bob Broegelman's / Georgie on the Basement 'Trap hid.' " Fall 1967.
  • Engiorgachar_012309130339.pdf

    Organizational chart diagram of the North American Rockwell Corporation Engineering division: 10-14-1968
  • enggcappresentation.pdf.pdf

    This Engineering Capabilities Presentation lists the competence and capability that has been demonstrated by the Space Support Division of Sperry Rand Corporation while fulfilling contractual commitments in the aerospace industry. This is a preliminary presentation; the preparation of a complete capabilities history of the division is currently in the developmental stage. The Capabilities Experience Summary is comprised of ten categories. e.g. Category 1 - Aeronautics, etc. The capabilities reported herein were performed by the Space Support Division under Contract NAS8-20055 to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, George C. Marshall Flight Center, Astrionics Laboratory, Huntsville, Alabama.
  • engrsafeintomissspacsyst_070507103305.pdf

    Safety Engineering, as applied to complex missile and space systems, has developed a new methodology referred to as "System Safety Engineering." The requirement for a comprehensive approach to safety which is included as a contractually covered adjunct to the design, development, and operational phases of a systems life cycle has become apparent from costly missile mishap experience. The general concepts and accomplishments of this new engineering discipline are described along with possible beneficial relationships with Reliability and other recognized organizational elements engaged in safety related activities.
  • scan0010rev_080107115233.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph.; Images included are: A-3 oxygen-hydrogen, H-1 oxygen-kerosene, J-2 oxygen-hydrogen, F-1 oxygen-Kerosene, M-1 oxygen-hydrogen. The thrust pounds is also listed.Shows them in reference to a human as a scale.
  • loc_mshc_0000028_web.pdf

    The O'Shaughnessy Place, nicknamed "Castle Delight," was built in 1885 by Col. James and Lucy O'Shaughnessy. It was a two-story Queen Anne-style house with four chimneys, gas lights, water lines, and indoor plumbing. Col. O'Shaughnessy was a cotton and real estate broker, seaport and railroad developer, and co-owner of the Huntsville Hotel, Huntsville Opera House, Hotel Monte Sano, and the Monte Sano Railway and Turnpike. The house burned in March 1890 and was demolished in the 1920s.
  • loc_mshc_0000025_web.pdf

    The photo shows the owner, Henry Fuller, with his family outside the cave entrance. Fuller purchased the cave in 1888 and developed it into an underground dance hall and bar. The cave is near current-day Pulaski Pike in Huntsville.
  • spc_dann_000221.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, Ingeborg, and Betty Dannenberg and little George visit Ulla's house, presumably near the airport. They show some footage of Ulla and Betty outside the house, and the rest is footage of George playing in the yard as well as in a common playground. 1967.
  • Defense_Billboard_6_001.pdf
  • img_00055.pdf

    Front: Greetings from Huntsville, Alabama, The Space Capital. Everything is O.K ?.. In outer space!!
  • evoofaspacap_031507074311.pdf

    Two different organizational charts.
  • evolairc_071207092817.pdf

    Illustration depicting the history of airplanes across a graph.
  • evoofthesatboo.jpg

    8 x 10 inch Black & White photograph. MS-G 103-63 Nov. 22, 63 is on the photograph. Displays the evolution of space-rocket designs side-by-side.
  • EvolstepsinS-IVBdevelopment_061708170306.pdf

    The injection stage of a multistage launch vehicle must be partially a velocity stage and partially a spacecraft; it must not only boost the payload, it must also perform cooperative mission operations with the payload after orbital insertion. These hybrid requirements result in intrinsic stage versatility which permits consideration of new and challenging missions for the stage which were unanticipated during initial design.; Prepared by T. J. Gordon, Director, Advance Space Stations and Planetary Systems, Space Systems Center, Douglas Aircraft Company, Huntington Beach, California.
  • Defense_Billboard_71_001.pdf
  • Defense_Billboard_73_001.pdf
  • Extesatu_111307104548.pdf

    This paper discusses the possible applications of Saturn vehicles to future space exploration. Potential missions utilizing Apollo derived hardware are examined. Research, development, and operations in earth orbit as well as lunar exploration, unmanned and manned interplanetary exploration are reviewed. These hypothetical missions are discussed in the context of the present and potential capability of three configurations of the Saturn vehicle; an uprated Saturn I, a three-stage Saturn V and a four-stage Saturn V. NOTE: Work presented herein was conducted by the Douglas Missiles and Space Systems Division under company-sponsored research and development funds. Therefore, the concepts and objectives described within this paper reflect the opinions of the authors and do not necessarily constitute endorsement by NASA, the Air Force, or any other U.S. Government organization. The nominal performance numbers presented are typical of the current configurations and possible future vehicle configurations.
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