UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

Browse Items (7985 total)

  • Defense_Billboard_14_001.pdf

    Various Black historical figures in American history
  • Defense_Billboard_74_001.pdf

    Slaves and freedom fighters side by side to show progression of history
  • spc_dann_000299.mp4

    Klaus and Konrad visit a German waterpark in the first half of this film. During the second half, they are shown visitng the house of someone who was with them at the waterpark. He is shown mowing the lawn and playing with his dogs.
  • spc_dann_000166.mp4

    Construction continues on the Dannenbergs' new house. Seen in this film is bricklaying of the outer wall, framing of the roof, and the pouring and smoothing over of the concrete carport slab. Summer 1958.
  • broowats_061307102136.pdf

    Included are a copy of page 7 of the December 1963 publication of Pan Am (GMRD) Clipper magazine and a letter from Pan American World Airways to David Christensen. The magazine article briefly describes the gantry that surrounded Saturn-V and Pan American's Saturn complex Supervisor, Brooks Watson.
  • spc_spac_000344_000345.pdf

    This flier has a description, specifications, photographs, and an illustration of the Bubble Bounce ride.
  • Defense_Billboard_119_001.pdf

    Cigarette butt being extinguished
  • loc_robf_155_162.pdf

    This broadside was published by conservative Alabamians in opposition to the 1868 Alabama constitution, known as the "Reconstruction Constitution." The constitution was revised by the constitutional convention on November 5, 1867, and ratified in 1868.
  • spc_spac_000372_000373.pdf

    This flier has an image of the "Calypso" as well as a description and a price for it.
  • Capandlimitofspacecommsys_042308163031.pdf

    The paper "Capabilities and Limitations of Space Communication Systems" is part of a General Electric Technical Information Series prepared for the Apollo Support Department. The abstract states "A survey and study of the basic parameters of information transfer systems for space communications is presented in this paper, to familiarize systems checkout and on communication engineers with the state-of-the-art and trends in this field. Both current and anticipated requirements for space communication systems are briefly considered. Some of the problems that exist in space communication are presented, along with a general review of current communication systems, their capabilities, and limitations as well as possible improvements in the areas of spacecraft directional antennas, ground stations and antennas, spacecraft transmitter power, and telemetry systems. It is concluded that the increased capabilities expected by the end of this decade should make adequate and reliable space communication possible for most predicted communication needs of future space missions at lunar and near-planet ranges."
  • spc_dann_000218.mp4

    Konrad, Klaus, Ingeborg, and Betty Dannenberg and little George visit Cape Canaveral. This film shows them touring the vehicle assembly building (VAB). Shown is the drive up to the building, a bit of outside footage, and then the inside of the building, although this didn't come out very well due to poor lighting. Konrad Dannenberg's note on the film box reads, "Cape Kennedy visit / Car trip to the VAB, the LUT - inside inspection of VAB (inside shots are very dark!)." 1967.
  • Carbburnnuclat_120808095217.pdf

    "Carbon-Burning Nucleosyntesis at Constant Temperature" is part of the Orange Aid preprint Series in Nuclear Astrophysics, August 1968. The abstract states "Syntesis of elements during thermonuclear burning of carbon is examined at a series of temperatures (T=0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.4) and for several initial compositions. Recent eperimental results (Ptterson, Winkler, and Zaidins 1968) for the 12C+!@C reaction are used. A general method for numerical solution of nuclear-reaction networkds is described. At the higher temperatures in the range now thought to be appropriate for carbon burning in stars,
  • loc_burw_-48.pdf

    This certificate declares that Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr. has the right to retain his Browning pistol and his other personal belongings through customs.
  • loc_burw_-74.pdf

    This certificate declares that Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr. has the right to retain his Arctic overshoes, barrack bag, and his other personal belongings through customs.
  • loc_burw_-75.pdf

    This certificate declares that Major Edwin D. Burwell Jr. has the right to retain his various clothing and his other personal belongings through customs.
  • spc_mcca_000051_web.pdf

    The chart is blank and has room to record the date borrowed, name of borrower, A-V material borrowed, and whether or not the equipment was returned.
  • chemspaceboosters_041807125251.pdf

    The document is a draft of the presentation "Chemistry in Space" by Harold Perkins, who explains the role of chemists in developing space launch vehicles. The document Includes references to charts and other presentation supports. The document is marked in the upper left hand corner "Huntsville High School Science Organization (the JETS), October 1962."
  • chillelecsyst_072307124035.pdf

    The paper is marked, "To be presented at the IEEE 1965 Aerospace Conference featuring Flight Vehicle Electrical/Electronics Systems, Houston, Texas, June 20-24, 1965." The abstract states "This paper presents the electrical system used to drive the chilldown motor pumps on the S-IVB space vehicle. This system consists of a 56 volt battery supplying power to the two three-phase solid state inverters which in turn drive two cryogenic motor pumps. Included in this paper is a short description of the overall chilldown system requirements. The advantages of the a-c system over the d-c system are discussed with emphasis on weight and reliability. Two functionally identical 1.5kva inverters were designed. One inverter uses germanium transistors in the output stage while the other uses silicon transistors. Both inverters were designed to have a quasi-square wave output. The inverter circuitry is described and the advantages of each is discussed including a comparison of weight, size, operating temperature, efficiency and voltage rating." Includes diagrams.
  • loc_burw_film_011.mp4

    Home movies about family life in late 1970s Alabama.
    Children playing with microphone [00:03]
    Young boy showing off Confederate money [00:26]
    Christmas pageant [03:28]
    Birthday party [06:48]
  • spc_dann_000237.mp4

    Footage shows Kerry Dannenberg playing and walking around the living room while Klaus, Betty, and Ingeborg open presents. Last scene shows Klaus Dannenberg reading a book to Kerry. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Winter 1968.
  • spc_dann_000235.mp4

    First part of video shows Kerry and Klaus playing with Kerry's new drum set that he got for Christmas. The latter half of the film shows Kerry being sat down for dinner by Betty. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama. Winter 1968.
  • spc_dann_000236.mp4

    First part of film shows Kerry eating and drinking at a table with Ingeborg Dannenberg. Second part shows Kerry opening and setting up a toy train track with Klaus Dannenberg. Monte Sano, Huntsville, Alabama Winter 1968
  • chronairforcemaninspace_071607084809.pdf

    The foreword states "In this chronology, Air Force manned space flight activity is viewed from the perspective of the ballistic missile development agency - the Air Research and Development Command's Western Development Division, later re-named the Air Force Ballistic Missile Division. Due to resource limitations at the Space Systems Division historical office, research for this chronology has been generally limited to materials available in the files of that office. All documents cite in the notes which follow each entry are located in the archives of the Historical Division, Office of Information, Space Systems Division, in Los Angeles California." There are handwritten notes throughout.
  • rptno24fragge_082707112230.pdf

    Memo to Lee Cropp, I-RM-D concerning security classification.
  • cleandconcon_071107110215.pdf

    The document is a paper describing contamination cleaning methods and advocating for further developments in the field. Tables and figures are included at the end of the paper. The figures include a comparison of Saturn V with Saturn I and Saturn IB and cross-sections of the Saturn C-5, S-IC stage fuel tank assembly and oxidizer tank assembly.
  • Nortamerrockjul1169_010711121426.pdf

    A news article detailing the scheduled launch for the Apollo 11. "Eagle" is the name of the lunar module and "Columbia" is the name of the service module.
  • commprobrelaluna_022807133241.pdf

    "This technical note concerns some of the problems encountered with the landing of a payload on the moon. The main problem areas such as guidance, velocity control and impact considerations are discussed. Although no final conclusions or designs are intended, it is hoped that the material presented will serve as a guide for future detailed work."
  • commbulkdraw.jpg.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph; This is a cutaway drawing of the bulkhead with information about the LH2 tank skin, insulation, Aft LOX bulkhead, 2014-T6 alum skin and fiberglass core. Part of an envelope with photos accompanying C. E. Cataldo paper "Materials in Space Exploration."
  • freedomadober2_022607111422.pdf

    Includes bibliographical references.; Original format: paperback book (42 pages); Cover title: Resources for freedom : the outlook of energy resources, volume III. Contains plans and analyses of potential future energy sources.
  • comsysbladurreeoflarveh_031808114618.pdf

    This paper was published in the Proceedings of the IEEE, volume 55, number 5, May 1967.; ABSTRACT: Much of the theoretical research on reentry blackout is in a format difficult for the communications design engineer to use in his system analysis. This paper derives simplified equations for the average sheath power loss that may be added (in dB) to the usual space loss to obtain an approximate total propagation loss. The plasma and sheath properties are discussed in detail but largely without supporting mathematics, in order to give the design engineer a better understanding of the overall problem. For the same reason and to provide insight into the final results, the average radiated power is found, using both intuitive and rigorous techniques. Several graphs of plasma properties are included in the development as an aid to numerical computation, and results are compared with the work of other authors.
  • SkywSpacDiviVolXXIX17_052410122936.pdf

    A news article detailing the winners of scholarships from a competition held by Space Division. This contest was held for the children of Space Division employees.
  • compfaileffeonsystananalmode_062007111540.pdf

    Prepared by R. L. Parkhill, Section Chief, Saturn S-IVB Reliability Analysis and J. Pauperas JR., Asst. Section Chief, Saturn S-IV Reliability Analysis. Presented to the 4th Annual Seminar on Reliability for Space Vehicles, Los Angeles, California, December 6, 1963. This paper presents techniques originated by Douglas Engineering working under NASA contract NAS7-1. Prepared as a record of the study conducted for the Administrative Engineer on the Department Overhead Account No. 9703.; SUMMARY: In today's complex systems, such as Saturn, many traditional reliability analysis concepts are not acceptable. Because of time and budget restrictions, and the requirement to provide a "man rated" space vehicle, the Douglas Saturn Engineering Reliability Section has developed a new analytical approach; it is called "criticality ranking". It is a "totem pole" of components whose single failure may lead to system loss. "Criticality ranking" is one of the results of an analytical model which encompasses failure effect and reliability prediction. This paper describes this analytical model, discusses some of the techniques and ground rules, and presents examples. A discussion of the application of the results is also included.
  • Compcontpowe_042908131740.pdf

    This paper describes a real-time digital computer program that controls the application of electrical power to the S-IVB stage of the Saturn vehicle at Cape Kennedy, Florida. Douglas Aircraft Company, the S-IVB stage manufacturer, provided NASA with the program requirements relative to the energizing sequence, voltage and current measurement tolerances, and vehicle system operational tests. International Business Machines Corporation provided NASA with the computer program to satisfy the task requirements. The program conjoined the components of the Electrical Support Equipment (two RCA 110A computers and control and instrumentation devices) into a closed loop system. The supporting operating system program by IBM is described.
  • Computerredundancy_020608095718.pdf

    Discusses the importance of redundancy as a safety measure in electronic systems.
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