UAH Archives, Special Collections, and Digital Initiatives

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  • reliasseliqurockengi_062107153119.pdf

    Proposed for the 10th National Symposium on Reliability & Quality Control. This paper will deal with various techniques of treatment of such data and associated graphic displays.
  • reliengiprogprovforspacsystcont_061507114439.pdf

    This document was cited in the Saturn contracts before NPC-250-1 was written. The sense of this document is the backbone of NASA reliability today and has become a generally accepted element of engineering rationale.
  • relipreddesideci_062107152620.pdf

    This paper presents some case histories in which reliability prediction plays an important role.
  • loc_salm_000538_000544.pdf

    Richardson's comments include a biographical sketch of Salmon with details of his World War II service, law career, and civic involvement. Richardson also notes Salmon's involvement in the UAH Foundation.
  • spc_dann_000126.mp4

    First portion shows the Dannenberg family in Reno, Nevada, shopping and gambling. The second portion shows the stop in Wendover, on the border between Utah and Nevada. Summer 1956.
  • spc_spac_000304.pdf

    This advertisement provides an image, a description, and prices for the Simplex Mark V.
  • reportfrmmissipi_012508130206.pdf

    Report detailing the progress NASA's Mississippi test facility has made testing the Apollo-Saturn rocket.
  • Repoofadhoc_120208114918.pdf

    It is the purpose of this report to clarify the goals, the missions and the costs of this effort in the forseeable future, particularly with regard to the man-in-space program
  • pdf_013108114114.pdf

    Presented to ACHEMA Congress and European Meeting of Chemical Engineering 1967, Frankfurt, Germany, June 21, 1967 by Dr. Eberhard Rees.; Includes slide numbers.
  • Repotomrsohi31864_120908091945.pdf

    Report detailing dates of Dr. Akens Marshall meetings with President Kennedy.
  • reptotheadmin_030607094214.pdf

    In anticipation of this transfer, the NASA and Department of Defense have established, an interim working agreement that provides for immediate assumption by NASA of responsibilities fortechnical management of the Saturn vehicle development.
  • RepototheCong1965.pdf

    A report to Congress from White House regarding the accomplishments of NASA.
  • spc_mcca_000241-258.pdf

    The contents include: "Report I. The Nature and Scope of Undergraduate Programs at the University of Alabama in Huntsville," "Report II. The Nature and Extent of Graduate Programs at the University of Alabama in Huntsville," and "Report III. The University of Alabama Research Institute." The reports include a list of membership of the "Ad Hoc Committe on Development of the University of Alabama in Huntsville," as well as letters from University of Alabama President Frank A. Rose and development committee chair Alex S. Pow, then Vice President for Academic Affairs of the University of Alabama.
  • Repoengirepo.pdf

    This index is an inventory of engineering reports and procedures available in Repository files. The Repository files contain various headquarters, MSFC, MSC, KSC and contractor prepared documents related to the overall MSFC, Apollo Program Requirements. V.C. Sorensen, Chief Management Services Office.; Published quarterly with monthly supplements by: Document Repository Branch; Management Services Office; Marshall Space Flight Center.
  • Requforapprto_041309105346.pdf

    The purpose of this memorandum is to obtaln your approval to fly manned missions on the Saturn V launch vehicle beginning with Apollo-Saturn vehicle #503 currently scheduled for launch in December 1968.
  • spc_nick_000419_000419.pdf

    On behalf of the defense counsel, Charles R. Zimmer writes to the Army Staff Judge Advocate, Colonel Clifford F. Cordes, to request that the report of the Inspector General of the Department of the Army be downgraded from classified to unclassified. Zimmer states that he feels without this document being accessible to the defense counsel, the "defense in this case is being hampered."
  • resgrantscontr_071707100507.pdf

    Press-release detailing 27 research grants sent to numerous universities.
  • Respanynews_121907141751.pdf

    Letter to answer any incoming questions from the media regarding the MSFC-II stage and any briefed on Seal Beach.
  • spc_dann_000159.mp4

    The Konrad, Klaus, and Ingeborg Dannenberg see the Pigeon Forge pottery building. The rest of the film shows where the Dannenbergs are staying in Gatlinburg, Tennessee, in an inn called Zoder's Court. They show the entrance and courtyard, as well as the cottages where guests stay. Spring/Summer 1958.
  • spc_mccg_000025_000059.pdf
  • Resuwerngeng_121907142407.pdf

    Letter vouching for the expertise and past accomplishments of Werner K. Gengelbach
  • spc_spac_000348_000349.pdf

    The flier has illustrations of the "Customer Operated Boat Ride" and its possible tracks as well as ride specifications.
  • Defense_Billboard_138_001.pdf
  • spc_lude_008_026.pdf

    The pamphlet includes a reprint of an article from RCAA publication Space Journal, a history of the organization with photos, and membership information.
  • Rockengiselecrit_042908141859.pdf

    This paper considers many of the factors and criteria which have to be considered and evaluated when selecting a specific rocket engine for a given vehicle application. The lists of criteria can be helpful as checklists in design and systems engineering of a rocket propulsion device. About ten different applications are examined to illustrate the relative importance of some of these selection criteria. There will be groupings of our major types of criteria; namely, performance, operational, economic and so-called judgment criteria. In many cases the last three categories are equally or more important than the performance criteria in selecting one of several rocket engines for a specific application. The actual selection usually is a compromise to make the rocket engine responsive to several important criteria.
  • Rockengiturbspactrav_101507142613.pdf

    Finding the turbopump arrangement which is best suited for a given rocket engine - space travel applications - constitutes an important task. The arrangement depends upon a large variety of different factors, such as, the engine cycle, weight, the liquids to be pumped, the cavitation performance, the bearings and their lubrication, the seals and the turbine. In this report these factors and their influence on the turbopump configuration are discussed. It is shown that three of them: weight, propellants to be pumped and obtainable suction performance have the largest influence on the selection of the turbopump. A systematic approach is outlines for the design process, which allows to arrive at a turbopump arrangement best suited for a given application.
  • rockexheffects_071707095315.pdf

    Presented by Olen P. Ely, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama and R. W. Hockenberger, International Business Machines. Paper that explores the effects of rocket-engine exhaust on radio-signals.
  • scan0011rev_080107115810.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph of a rocket motor material list. The weight of the material is measured in pounds.
  • spc_dann_000168.mp4

    Roofing work continues on the Dannenbergs' new house. In this film, the roof is being built over the family room. Klaus Dannenberg is shown climbing up onto the roof to check it out. Summer/Autumn 1958.
  • spc_dann_000167.mp4

    This film focuses on the roofing work on the Dannenbergs' new house. Shown are workers trimming the eaves of the roof as well as nailing down the weatherproof cover to the top of the roof. Summer/Autumn 1958.
  • spc_nick_000450_000457.pdf

    Various handwritten notes on the Army missile program and other information pertaining to the case of Colonel John C. Nickerson, Jr.
  • scan0020rev_080107140240.jpg

    The drawing gives information about the honeycomb and edge rolled construction of a heat-shield plate.
  • scan0007rev_080107120626.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white diagram of the Saturn booster engines.
  • scan0024rev_080107141946.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white photograph.; Image includes dimensions and labels of exterior features of the rocket.
  • scan0005rev_080107120438.jpg

    8 x 10 inch black and white diagram of the Saturn II engines.
  • S1VBsathigh_032608091902.pdf

    The development of carrier rockets For manned space missions has been one of the major activities in the aerospace field during the past decade. The early space efforts were made possible by the existence of large ballistics missiles. It soon became obvious that the delivery of weapons and the launch of large spacecraft could not be combined into one operational system in an efficient way; therefore, a family of spacecraft boosters had to be created.
  • loc_salm_000130_000131.pdf

    The note on the reverse of the photo adds that Vernon was "200 lbs. of fighting spirit."
  • Saaprogspec_091707160850.pdf

    Memo sent to Major General D. M. Jones - NASA/ML.
  • safeengifortheman_040407115148.pdf

    Presented at Safety Engineering of Missile/Space Systems, 53rd Air Force - Industry Conference, detailing potential safety issues within the Atlas weapon system.
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