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  • loc_gold_000253_000257.pdf

    In these letters, R. D. McKinney tells S. Schiffman that he will have to take all McKinney's stocks as his landlord has taken all his cotton stock to pay his rent before McKinney could pay S. Schiffman. In the second letter, McKinney asks S. Schiffman to send him two dollars to finish paying off the cotton pickers. The final letter is a request for meat and coffee on credit.
  • loc_gold_000258_000260.pdf

    W. E. Rinkley tells S. Schiffman that he has already paid the man who built a hen house and garden. He also tells Schiffman that he has reached out to Mr. Landers regarding his taxes and asks Schiffman to reach out and see what is happening there as Landers has not replied to Rinkley.
  • loc_gold_000261_000263_000265_000265.pdf

    In the telegram A. J. Abrahams acknowledges that S. Schiffman will cover a $300 bill. It ends with a promise to explain the circumstances in a letter that will follow. In the handwritten letter to S. Schiffman, A. J. Abrahams details the circumstances surrounding the need for S. Schiffman to cover the bill and thanks him for his kindness.
  • loc_gold_000264_000264_000267_000269.pdf

    These documents contain reciepts, correspondence, and payment of the purchase of horse equipment and "1 pair horses" by I. Schiffman.
  • loc_gold_000266_000266.pdf

    Letter to Ike Schiffman regarding money and interest. Written on Stein Brothers Bankers letterhead.
  • loc_gold_000270_000270_000279_000279.pdf

    Letter from H. B. Smith to Oscar Goldsmith to inform him of the death of Ida B. Dallas and Smith's appointment as her sole executor. Smith discusses the next steps of dividing her stocks in the Huntsville Land Company, which is owned by Goldsmith, among her five children. Smith also asks for guidance regarding the sale of her lot at Monte Sano. Oscar Goldsmith's response to Smith's letter is the second document. In it he directs Smith to Lawrence Goldsmith who is authorized to issue the stock and recommends a couple real estate men in Huntsville that would be able to take care of the sale of Dallas's Monte Sano lot.
  • loc_gold_000271_000272.pdf

    Correspondence regarding Ida B. Dallas's missing dividend check on her stocks for Huntsville Land Improvement Co. Goldsmith responds, informing her that no dividends were paid October 1, 1912 due to repairs and painting of the property of the Company, therefore the expenses do not allow for a surplus for dividends.
  • loc_gold_000273_000274.pdf

    A request calling for a general Stock Holders Meeting of the Huntsville Land Company issued by Oscar Goldsmith. The second document contains signatures of Oscar Goldsmith and Solomon Plant with a handwritten note that reads: "Please sign this and have Mr. Plant sign".
  • loc_gold_000275_000275.pdf

    A bill for six rolls of roofing for $9.30 to Oscar Goldsmith with the Huntville Land Co.
  • loc_gold_000276_000276.pdf

    H. B. Smith requesting Oscar Goldsmith to pay the taxes due by Mrs. Trevani B. Dallas on her lot at Monte Sano again as he did the previous year. Smith offers if Goldsmith does this, he will refund the amount paid.
  • loc_gold_000277_000278.pdf

    In this letter, H. B. Smith responds to a previous letter from Goldsmith regarding the sell of a lot of land in 1916, two years previous. He also details an offer for the stock he currently holds in the Huntsville Land Company that he will be refusing. The second letter is from Oscar Goldsmith to S. M. Milliken regarding the shares that Mr. Smith wrote about and them receiving multiple bids on the stock. He informs Milliken that Mr. Rison will be taking part in it as well.
  • loc_gold_000280_000282_000288_000291.pdf

    These first two letters, written by Ed to "Papa" Oscar Goldsmith detail paying off land notes to get money for possible "urgent purpose[s]". The second letter discusses a charge Ed put in the ledger and the hope to "improve things" with his business. The next letter is also from Ed. In this letter, Ed discloses information regarding his lack of a permanent place and inquires if he should sell the property on Clinton Street and his car. The final two letters are written by an unknown author, but contain information from Oscar to Ed in reponse to Ed's letters. The letters advise Ed not to sell the house on Clinton Street as it would sell for less than he owes on it at the time, but does advise to sell his car. It also tells of payments made by Oscar at the request of Ed. It discloses details about Ed's financial situation. The second letter regards a dividend Ed received from the Wonderfield Oil Co. along with a note that "Papa" is feeling better.
  • loc_gold_000283_000287.pdf

    A check from Oscar Goldsmith for $259.51 to W. R. Rison Banking Company, signed on the back by R. E. Sessions. The second check is blank on the front with a handwritten note on the back for the following day. The writing is difficult to read but notes something about one dollar for or from Oscar Goldsmith, also signed by R. E. Sessions.
  • loc_gold_000292_000292.pdf

    Receipt for Oscar Goldsmith's payment of five dollars to Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital. The hospital is located in Hot Springs, Arkansas and is a mental health facility and, at this time, a nursing school that existed until 1952.
  • loc_gold_000293_000293.pdf

    Receipt of payment of $8.50 from E. H. S. signed by Walter Gurley.
  • loc_gold_000294_000294.pdf

    Receipt of payment of $29.00 from Samuel Strauss for land taxes in Kossuth County, Iowa. Signed bythe treasurer, S. S. Rist.
  • loc_gold_000295_000295.pdf

    A copy of a story written by Arnold Pollak titled "Tales of the Old Times: When the Train Stalled." This article recounts a time when Pollak's train was stalled in Texas and, being told it would be two more more hours before it started moving again, he engaged in trading fish and wanted to trade the samples for a new cigar jobber. When the train started moving before he was done, Pollak started running but unable to catch the train, Pollak's friend Oscar Goldsmith pulled the rope to stop the train. Handwritten note reads: "Copy from the Tobacco Leaf N. Y. of May 29/26".
  • loc_gold_000296_000297.pdf

    This letter details Oscar's cousin Mo's deepest sympathies for the loss of Betty, Oscar's wife, who died on November 30, 1928. Oscar would live another 9 years.
  • loc_gold_000298_000299.pdf

    The letter details Ella's selling of her place in Hot Spring, Arkansas.
  • loc_gold_000300_000300.pdf

    This handwritten note provides information on the death and burial place of Henry Goldsmith, Oscar's older brother, who was born in 1840. The note reads: "Henry Goldsmith - was a member of Co D - 4 [sic] Infantry - died in Huntsville Ala. Jany 6/17, was buried in Maple Hill Cemetery Marker No. 295 was placed on his grave - He was a member of Egbert J. Jones Camp.
  • loc_gold_000301_000303.pdf

    This personal letter to Oscar Goldsmith from his grandson, also named Oscar, details the removal of young Oscar's tonsils and his gaining eight and a half pounds. He also writes of his first refrigerator sale and his hopes to sell more, though he is "no salesman". He conveys some information from his mom and thanks him for making her trip to New York possible. Finally, young Oscar thanks Papa Oscar for paying his tonsil removal bill, and promises that he can take care of his dentist bill.
  • loc_gold_000304_000305.pdf

    This personal letter to Oscar Goldsmith from his cousin, Mo, mentions the health of Mo and his hopes to be better soon. He writes that he has requested a meeting for the case of the Huntsville Land Co. with Mr. Plant. Mo closes be informing Oscar that Addie (his wife) is not well.
  • loc_gold_000306_000307.pdf

    Jeannette thanks her uncle, Oscar Goldsmith, for letting them stay with them and getting to know the family. She details the difficult travels home and her plans to visit her father's family in Marietta.
  • loc_gold_000308_000317.pdf

    These letters detail a chronological correspondence between Oscar Goldsmith and John A. Chapman, his agent, regarding negotiations to purchase property on Meridianville Pike from W. H. Halsey. The letters between Chapman and Goldsmith discuss reasonable price offers and "fancy" price Halsey wants for the property. In the end, Halsey writes a letter detailing the final transaction and cost.
  • loc_gold_000318_000321.pdf

    This book details the financial account of Domestic Science Fund, owned by Oscar Goldsmith.
  • loc_gold_000322_000323.pdf

    This letter is probably to Oscar Goldsmith and his wife, or whoever maintained correspondence with Ed while Oscar was sick. Ed expresses his apologies for Oscar's condition and states that it was "ideal Spring days" in Chattanooga. After closing the letter, Ed writes on the back: "Please pay the enclosed insurance premium also as I am afraid to pay it and run short of cash."
  • loc_gold_000324_000328.pdf

    Mrs. Owens writes to Ella Davis regarding a lost tax receipt for 1920, requesting that she send the receipt again as the books do not show payment of taxes for the year. Ella Davis replies with the receipt, asking that they take care not to lose it and return it to her promptly.
  • loc_gold_000329_000331.pdf

    H. T. Mays requests Ella Davis to send her the information and lowest selling price of the property next to hers owned by Ella in Hot Springs, Arkansas.
  • loc_gold_000332_000334.pdf

    Ella Davis writes to Betty Goldsmith, Oscar's wife, regarding her move to Hot Springs, Arkansas. She details the cost to move her things and asked Betty to have Mr. Goldsmith send her a check as she is now broke after paying the moving costs. She also writes about declining an offer on the property she is selling because the potential buyer refused to pay interest.
  • loc_gold_000335_000336.pdf

    Victor White writes to Oscar Goldsmith apologizing for replying to his last letter over a month late. He informs Goldsmith that he is working in town and is hopeful to see him in New York.
  • loc_gold_000337_000337.pdf

    Oscar Goldsmith informs Harry that he is sending a silver cup for the new baby in Helen's family and, because he does not have their address, is requesting that Harry deliver it for him.
  • loc_gold_000338_000338.pdf

    M. H. Lanier writes to Mrs. Grosser about Miss Nora Davis and her actions that appalled Mrs. Grosser regarding "certain work that was done at the cemetery." He suggests that Mrs. Grosser chose to have little to do with Nora Davis as he has chosen to do and Nora will leave her alone.
  • loc_gold_000339_000339.pdf

    R. E. Smith, as city attorney, writes to inform Oscar Goldsmith of an unpaid balance for improvements on Jefferson Street. He requests Goldsmith to call the office of the Clerk of the City of Huntsville to settle the claim.
  • loc_gold_000340_000345.pdf

    Documents include three years of balance sheets for the Printz-Biederman Company and the accompanying letters with further information.
  • loc_gold_000346_000346.pdf

    Company secretary, Harry A. Newman, writes to the stockholders informing them of a special meeting where stockholders will be asked to authorize changes in per value to the capital stock.
  • loc_gold_000347_000352.pdf

    In this letter, Edgar Weil gives Goldsmith information regarding the sale of his mother's stocks in the Chelten Hills Cemetery Company, as Goldsmith is unable to attend and will need a proxy, and the reasoning behind the call to change the per value of the stock. Weil states that the Company does not earn any return for their stocks and so he is selling the stocks for a low price per share due to the fact that "nobody will ever get a cent for these holdings." The second document is a letter from Oscar requesting a proxy for the meeting, and Harry's response to be Oscar's proxy. The final documents are signed and blank contracts appointing attorneys to vote for the decrease in per value of the capital stocks at the stockholders meeter.
  • loc_gold_000353_000353.pdf

    Form denoting taxes due to Office of Tax Collector of Garland County for Ella Davis.
  • loc_gold_000354_000354.pdf

    This document contains a detailed breakdown of the fees associated with the "unlawful detainer suit" filed by Lawrence Goldsmith against H. Oliver.
  • loc_gold_000355_000355.pdf

    This letter requests that Oscar Goldsmith, president of the Huntsville Land Company, sends copies of the company's earning statements so K. Ward-Smith can obtain a bid on shares of stock for sale.
  • loc_gold_000356_000357.pdf

    Detailed condensed financial statement for Pacolet Manufacturing Company located in Spartanburg, South Carolina.
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