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George F. McCanless, Jr. Collection

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George F. McCanless, Jr. Collection


George F. McCanless, Jr. Collection


George F. McCanless, Jr., husband of Christel Ludewig McCanless, is an expert on Space Station Freedom, microgravity research, aerodynamics, and acoustics. McCanless received his Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from M.I.T. in 1955. He worked for the Marshall Space Flight Center, and during his career there, he received three Certificates of Appreciation from NASA. In April of 1987, he received a Certificate of Appreciation for his “Dedication and contributions to the...microgravity payload and associated accommodating facilities.” McCanless received the second certificate in April of 1989 for “Creative and resourceful contributions to the Materials Processing in Space Program and to the Centers for the Commercial Development of Space." Finally, he received a Certificate of Appreciation in June of 1991 for “Dedicated and diligent support of commercial users in the Space Station Freedom design process.” George McCanless is also a published author in technical journals such as "Logistics Spectrum," the "Journal of the Acoustical Society of America," and the "Journal of Spacecrafts and Rockets."

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