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Defense Billboard Posters
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Defense Billboard Posters
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Lost in Space....
Art of astronaut floating in space with informational text about credit card debt.
No Bite on the Neck...Just a Drop From the Finger! Your cholesterol count can predict your risk for heart disease.
Dracula showing that a drop from your finger is no big deal like being bitten on the neck
"Sometimes the hurt is more than skin deep; Child abuse can leave scars that last a lifetime."
Child with band aid over her knee
"Warning!; Prolonged Use Can Be Dangerous To Your Health"
Couch with newspapers and magazines and tin cans and food surrounding it
"PRIDE; Show it everywhere."
All of the branches holding a sword with the American flag in the background
"The Mourning After; Don't Drink and Drive"
People mourning someone at a funeral after that person decided to drink and drive
"Pinched for Cash?; Don't Get Trapped By High Credit Costs"
Don't get stuck in the mouse trap of cards such as buying on credit and getting late charges
"It's a hard habit to break; Feed the Bear; A lot of encouragement...and maybe a little gum."
Bear in clothes with a sign that says "I Quit Smoking" with cigarettes with a line through them
"The Price of Freedom...A Strong Defense"
Soldiers at war with American flag in the background
"Divide & Conquer; Quick! Seperate your trash!; Recycling saves energy and natural resources, and lowers solid waste disposal costs."
Knights stabbing recyclables
Collection Tree
Government Documents Posters
Defense Billboard Posters